Thursday, February 6, 2025

Prayers are Energy

 Prayers are Energy

 This is a beautiful thought from William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council.

 Questioner:  Prayers are energies, then?

 The Council:  That should be no surprise.  Everything is energy; everything

is energy.

 Questioner:  And prayers would be so filled with love energy?

 The Council:  Yes.  Very positive, very positive thing, prayer.

 Questioner:  I don't understand how that would work, how that could be such an aid, help?

 The Council:  Well, if you could understand what the existence is at this level, then it would not be hard at all, but just think of it as a ball of total love, positive, of God, of all the beautiful things, all the holy things; and as that ball hovers over you, you have the option to accept it and put it into your heart, and it helps you shine out.  It enters your body or your system or your soul or your spirit and radiates outward.  It acts as an amplifier when your, shall we say, batteries are down a little.  It brings new life, new hope, into you, new strength. It clears out the old fog and allows the Divine to speak with you; but since it is a part of your soul, since it is a part of God, you must remember that when you reach a level of being able to pray for others out of love, God is talking to you and He is using you as an instrument, He is flowing His energies through you into that prayer; and you are directing it to a specific person or a specific thing; and if those things or persons do not wish to accept it, then it goes to someone else who is needy; and it will go until it is accepted.  None of God's efforts are in vain.

For more from William LePar and The Council visit

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Spirit of a Baby at Time of Conception

 In the answer to the question below, William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council gives us some reasons why the entity might not be present at the time of conception.

 Questioner:  You said earlier that it is entirely possible that the soul or spirit may be with the entity from the time of conception on.  Why would a spirit not be with it from the time of conception?  Or why would it come into the physical organism at a later date than conception?

 The Council:  There are a number of reasons why.  One reason is or could be depending on the situation, the entity that is, shall we say, overlooking the situation may not be sure that the lessons necessary for its growth will be there in that situation.  The mother and father may not have, shall we say, set firm conditions that that baby will eventually grow into or develop under, so you see there is the factor of free will there that must be considered in all three individuals, the father, the mother, and the prospective child.  In many cases and possibly we should add here in most cases, the conditions are set; the parents on a spiritual level have already firmed or committed themselves to those conditions necessary for that particular entity's growth.  In that case then the soul or spirit would immediately enter on the moment of conception.  Now, another factor you can take into consideration as a possibility in that is this: that a soul may occupy that embryo or that fetus for some time and then may decide for one reason or another to, shall we say, switch horses in mid-stream.  In that case then, there would be the opening for another entity to take that position over.

For more on William LePar and The Council visit

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Nursing Babies Part 2

 Nursing Babies Part 2 

 This is a continuation of The Council’s explanation of breastfeeding.

 Questioner:  How far along into the baby's life is this recommended?

 The Council:  That would vary with the child itself, but one should not wean a baby away too early.  Also, you have to consider that as the mother breastfeeds the child she may, if we may use this term, run dry after a period of time; that is the natural cut-off point.  It would not harm to feed the child, to breastfeed the child into the second or even third year, if there is a need for it.  And that can be determined by the baby or the child's actions.  Now it is necessary to introduce the child or the baby to outside foods, and as a mother progresses in this development, then she should keep a close eye as to whether the child craves the breastfeeding or not.  If she senses or sees that there is a need, whether it is physically or emotionally, then she should continue to do so according to that need.

 The thing one should keep in mind, and that is this: that from the moment of conception the soul could be there or the spirit could be there, and as long as the spirit is there or the soul is there, it is quite aware of its circumstances whether it be in the womb or out of the womb, and is quite conscious of all the affection or lack of affection, whether it be affection in touching or verbally, and as that soul's needs come into play, that affection, whether it be the touching or the verbal affection, must be fulfilled. In, shall we say, recent years there has been a decline in the breastfeeding, and of course you can look at that generation and see what has become of it. Now, of course, this is only one factor in the total picture, but that is something to consider, and it is something that each individual mother can handle and affect.