Friday, October 21, 2022

Closing Message from The Council - Lily Dale

This is the Closing Message from William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, at the trance in Lily Dale, New York.

The Council:  At this particular time in man's history, you are moving from one spiritual age to another spiritual age. It is a rise in consciousness, and at this point in time you are existing in what is referred to as a bridge period, a bridge period. During this particular time there will be many opportunities for souls to eliminate their karmic debt and move on into a better spiritual state. It is necessary however for those who are existing in a physical form now, they must begin to make a change in consciousness, they must begin to make a change in themselves, so that they can make a direct influence on the rest of creation, in their world, in their time. In so doing, great change takes place, not through the masses, but through the process of one enlightenment to another enlightenment, one awareness to another awareness. You as a spiritual being, by nature, is communal. You flourish in a communal situation and so it is because of that nature your spiritual growth comes fastest, quickest, and with greatest depth when you participate in the community. As an individual when you share your love, when you share your compassion, you then demonstrate your godliness, and those that are on the receiving end see that godliness, and it could very well be the thing that they need to begin to make a change in their own life. So, it becomes a spiritual contagion that one passes on to the other, and in so doing the entire consciousness of a land can be changed far quicker than mass chanting or mass meditation. Meditation is a great, wonderful experience for the individual. It helps that individual to bring a calm or a peace or a tranquility, even if it is only momentarily, to the entire being. In so doing that can eliminate the opportunity of stress which is the root cause of disease, the root cause of stress is the lack of love one has for themselves. So, in meditating you eliminate the stress, you realize that there is a worthiness to you, thus you begin to ignite a more positive self-love in yourself, and in so doing then you start a cycle of conscious uplifting. But meditation helps the individual far more than group meditation helping the world condition. If you find it necessary to meditate as a group in order to solve the problems of the world, by all means do so. But realize  that you should take time for your own personal meditation so that you can experience the god that you truly are. If we may make light of the situation, for we have learned that if you can laugh at yourself you have overcome the biggest problem. So, let us say this, you are a god that just doesn't want to accept his godship. You are a god that doesn't believe you are a god. Remember, if you take yourself too seriously, it can be a manifestation of the ego, but if you realize that there is an importance to you, and that that importance can bring you your divine state, then you can grow from where you are to what you should be and could be.

Let us, in closing, say to you: We honor you all as gods, and we look forward to the time when you too will be present in our place, at our level, and in our vibrational field. And in closing we repeat the opening blessing: May the Peace and the Joy of the Infinite Father be upon you all, and may His Light shine down upon you, around you, and within each one of you as it truly does. Uncover your light and let it shine. You will be dazzled by how beautiful you truly are.

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