Friday, December 19, 2014

A Glorified Body

In this quote from William LePar's spiritual source, The Council, we receive some great advice on how we can reach our highest spiritual potential here and now.

The Council: All those who are in the material manifestation now. If you want a glorified body, if you want a spiritual body, such as talked about in the Bible, develop your character according to the present belief system. Now your character is not what you manifest on the outside. Your character is made up of your intentions, and your intentions are made up of your affections or your love. That is why you are told to love yourself in a godly manner, and that is the first step. Forget your spiritual guilt; forget that you have separated yourself from the Divine Father and think only of your return. Realize that you are separated and realize that now you can continually separate yourself from the Divine by your actions. Change that desire to re-unite yourself with the Divine and begin on a conscious level to develop those affections that you know are godly. In so doing when you consciously put an effort forward, the soul in itself even through its guilt knows its rightful place, but in this guilt it seeks, because of the guilt, to move itself away as a form of punishment, as a form of, shall we say, being ashamed of the rejection of Total Love, so it is a self-chastisement which is not necessary. On the conscious level, change your affections to godly ways of action in service to mankind. Your soul in its very essence is constantly trying to break through the guilt but you must help it. You are given guidance, you are given help by the Divine through your relationships in the material manifestation. The stronger help the weaker. If you have one facet of your personality that is weak, there will be someone around you that has that facet strong, and they will attempt to influence you into activity or into strength, if you allow it. But what happens in most cases is that when you see the strength in others that is lacking in you, then your tendency is to move away from that individual because in that process you are made more aware of your shortcomings. If you truly loved yourself as you should first, then you would learn from those and try to develop the same strengths. 

Sunday, December 7, 2014

What it is Like in the Realm Closest to the Divine's Realm

William LePar's spiritual source, The Council, explain what it is like to exist in their realm. This is the realm just before souls merge with God in His heavenly realms. In this quote The Council makes reference to sound. They say that sound in the spiritual realms is not related to sound as we know it, however, that is the best word that they can use because our vocabulary does not have a word or group of words that would describe it accurately.

The Council: We review all the times that we were in the man-made realms, and we review our activities in the God-made realms at the Spirit Level and at the Angelic Level; so we exist now in the Celestial Level going over our selfishness, and how we debased ourselves, how we insulted ourselves, how we humiliated ourselves; these glorious beings created by the Hand of God, each one of us, individually, how we humiliated ourselves, how we insulted ourselves. We begin to learn to take a godly pride in ourselves. We begin to appreciate the handiwork of God our Father; and in this godly pride we choose to glorify our Father, our Lord, by our actions which in turn then glorifies us. Do you understand?

Questioner: Yes.

The Council: So it becomes an unending cycle or chain of events. As we first enter the Celestial Level, as an example, we may appear as a fog, a soft, white fog; this is as we just enter. And as our existence and our experience here passes and grows, that white fog begins to glow; it begins to move a little quicker; it begins to lighten up the area in which it is, the surrounding area; and the greater we appreciate the creation of the Divine, the brighter we begin to glow, until such time that that fog is glowing completely. From that point then it begins to lose its, shall we say, limited appearance. Instead of being contained in a quote "shape" the light begins to glow in rays. Do you understand?

Questioner: I think so. To some extent.

The Council: Have you ever seen the lights of a car at night, how they appear to be rays?

Questioner: Yes.

The Council: Very well. As we grow then this solid light begins to change into rays of lights. As it continues then these rays become almost crystalline in appearance. Do you understand?

Questioner: I think so, yes.

The Council: So that once we have achieved that point where we are almost ready to merge with the Godhead, we appear as a polished crystal made up of an uncountable number of rays, spreading all that we have in all directions to all who will accept; and so we are suspended in this Cause of God the Father waiting to be utilized, waiting to share, waiting to move that much closer to Him.

Questioner: The form that you spoke of that you are in now. Is that much
as the original creation by God?

The Council: When we merge with our Father, we will change from this
crystalline stage or state as we described it, now it is symbolic.
Do you understand?

***: Yes.

The Council: When we change from this state to the actual mergence with the
Godhead, with God the Father, then this crystalline description
that we have given you, this crystalline stage, will transmute into
sound, into pure thinking energy that lives and creates and that is
the sound, the living and the creating in unison with the Creator
of all.

***: Thank you. Of course, I don't understand.

The Council: Sound is the energy or the power of creation of God; it is God.

For more on William LePar and The Council see

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Our Spiritual Power

William LePar's spiritual source, The Council, has attempted to give us some idea of the magnitude of the spiritual being that each of us are in our true, non-physical state of existence. I felt that this particular quote might be a good example. As I have mentioned before, The Council attempts to paint pictures in the mind's eye because our vocabulary is not sufficient to explain the infinite in finite terms.

The Council: An example: you have all seen an explosion of an atomic bomb, that is barely a flick of your eyelash in power that you, you alone, have. One fleeting thought could destroy or create all the universe that man has, each of you, in less than a fleeting thought in your truest existence. The magnitude of your own being is so tremendous that there are no physical words to describe. If all the suns in the universe were gathered together in one central spot, that would hardly be a breath from the true power that you have, and look at what you have done to yourself. You cannot even comprehend in words one speck of your totality. No example that we give you will you be able to comprehend, and that is just you, just each of you; now the Divine is a Being that is far, far greater than you. In comparison, you are less than a flick of the eyelid, and it was your refusal to accept this Divine life, your refusal to move ahead to create in a forward motion, your refusal to continue to create in awareness, you took it upon yourself to see fit to having to prove it to a lesser form that was created for your use.

For more on William LePar and The Council visit


Friday, November 7, 2014

The Divine Inflow

In this posting William LePar's spiritual source, The Council, talks about the life energy that we are receiving from our Divine Father on a constant basis.

Questioner: In the beginning, at the time of the Fall, it was necessary to tap into God for our essence to create, and, if so, is it still necessary, are we still dependent on that?

The Council: Most assuredly, you are still dependent on it. Now, what example could we give that would be easily understood? Suppose you were to take the, shall we say, electrical system of a home, now you have a wire from your power company coming to your home, and it goes into the house to a master box and from that box then you have all sorts of other wires that run here and there, you may cut off any of the other wires and the rest will work properly. Or from the point of that wire that you cut off beyond the cut-off point anything up to that would run, anything beyond that would not. As long as the main line comes into the house, there is life in the house, there is electricity; but suppose that you did not sever any of the smaller lines but severed the main line that came into the house, what would you have running that used electricity in the house then, nothing. In some way you could apply this example to the connection you have with the Divine; you see, you were acts of love and these acts of love, although you may consider them to be tremendous beings (in your physical mind, of course, you cannot truly comprehend) but in the spiritual awareness, each of you was a tremendous ball of energy that was formed and developed, but this energy was in its very, shall we say, fetus stage, so that it constantly needed nourishment for its further growth, much as a mother carries a child, as long as the child is within her womb, she must feed that child and it is the same with you, your Divine Father constantly fed you for your growth. Before you were fully matured where you could, shall we say, go your own way, under your own steam, you decided to cut the umbilical cord, well, actually, you can never do that but we are using symbols or figurative speaking.

Since you decide to sever the umbilical cord, you had not fully matured so as it stands now you have severed only part of that cord, so that the full intensity of your godly awareness is not yours, that is by choice. You cannot exist if you sever that cord completely, for that which feeds you would not be there, and eventually you would, so to speak, burn yourself out: the same in the heavens, there are suns that grow in intensity but in time they burn themselves out, and they no longer exist. Now, each of you are still babes: you are still in your mother's womb; and the Divine is still feeding you; giving you the nourishment that you so justly need for your existence.

Think of it in another way. God is the living essence of all that is created spiritual and material, and as this essence you simply feed off of it, you are suspended in this ocean of love, in this universe of love, you are similar to a beautiful goldfish in a bowl, but a bowl that is so tremendous that it encompasses all that is ever and ever will be created, and each of you are capable of having your own universe to work in. You cannot live or exist in any place without touching the life-giving love of the Infinite Father. As a beautiful piece of needlepoint or tapestry is developed, it is first constructed from a backing, the stitches are placed very precisely in certain places in this backing, and as time progresses then a beautiful picture is formed and the backing is completely covered. You are the beautiful stitches; the backing that holds those stitches together is the Divine: that is the basis of the tapestry, the stitches are of no value without the backing, but the backing has a value for anyone else who wishes to apply their stitches to it. The foundation is always the necessity.

For more on William LePar and The Council visit

Friday, October 24, 2014

Biorhythms and the Physical Body - Part 2

This is a continuation of the interchange between a questioner from our Research and Study Group and William LePar's spiritual source, The Council, on the subject of biorhythms and there usefulness to us.

Questioner: Suppose you had a big decision to make or some kind of action. Would it be a good idea to check your chart and maybe time things for when you have what they call for a triple high or perhaps on triple low days put off some decisions until you are thinking better. Would that be a valid use for a chart like that?

The Council: If you choose to use a chart like that, yes, but you must use a little, how shall we say, common sense or a little discernment. You cannot rely on a cycle or a chart to make every decision or to avoid making decisions all the time. Do you understand?

Questioner: Yes.

The Council: The chart or the cycles represent the overall keenness. Do you understand that?

Questioner: Yes.

The Council: How sharp you are or how keen you are? Do you understand?

Questioner: Yes.

The Council: And this, of course, incorporates the three major aspects of you. Now, how strongly you are influenced by those cycles is mostly determined by you, this is in reference to exterior activities. Do you understand?

Questioner: Yes, I understand.

The Council: So, we are not saying that they are an essential thing that everybody should have. Yet we are saying that they do exist; they do influence you, and they can be used to help you, if nothing else, understand the way you are feeling at a particular time. They are important in this respect. They are part of the natural cycles of the material manifestation which you are a part of. They do influence, to a degree, the chemical reactions within the body, the intensity of those reactions and the lack of that intensity. Now, this again is another relationship to maintaining the material manifestation for the soul or maintaining the tool for the soul. When you come into the material manifestation, the soul must create a body that is compatible with the natural cycles of the material world or the material manifestation, and it just so happens that those are three cycles that most directly influence the exterior you, in other words, your relationship to your immediate world at that particular time or your immediate family or your immediate activities. Have we confused the situation or cleared it up?

Questioner: You have cleared it up.

The Council: Again, they can be useful but we would never say that spiritual growth depends on such a thing. Before you ever heard of such things, you were living a life. If you feel that after you have heard of such things it would help you to have a better day, understand your day a little better, then by all means use it. But you must realize that there are well over a hundred more cycles involved.

Questioner: I assume that these three are the more or less major cycles.

The Council: Well, it depends on what you want to consider as major. They would have the most outward effect on your day-to-day experiences.

Questioner: Would there be any other cycle of equal or greater benefit to
include in a biorhythm chart?

The Council: No, because they go down in graduated physical outward effects, so they become more subtle than what the three major rhythms or what is considered the major rhythms. Those can be used the most easily in understanding your day or your attitude for that day.

Questioner: Would this be a beneficial use of biorhythms, if you are looking for whatever spiritual benefits there are in fasting, if you are looking for these benefits, would it be a good use of biorhythms to begin a fast on a triple high? Would that help any in the fasting effort?

The Council: No. Listen to what we have said. It does not directly influence your spiritual state whatsoever. It does give you an understanding of your attitude toward a particular event at a particular time in your life. In other words, how did you receive today? How did you react to today?

Questioner: I reacted pretty good today.

The Council: Well, whatever. We are trying to point out how it could be

Questioner: Would it be all right to use the information you just gave us then as somewhat of an introduction to the charts that we make?

The Council: As long as you understand that you are not to confuse the biorhythm idea or concept with spirituality. You can be very spiritual on a very bad day. In fact, now that we think about it, maybe on an indication of a bad day you might practice a little charity towards your fellow human being. A good way to build up points. (Laughter) All joking aside now. As long as you do not attempt to sell spirituality through such devices, they can be beneficial to those who have an interest in them, but they cannot guarantee any spiritual growth at all. They are more aligned with the natural rhythms of the material manifestation.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Biorhythms and the Physical Body - Part 1

In this interchange between a questioner from our Research and Study Group and William LePar's spiritual source, The Council, we receive information concerning biorhythms and their usefulness to us.

Questioner: In reference to biorhythms, they really don't have a whole lot of validity, do they?

The Council: Oh yes they do. Much of your, how shall we say, acceptance of everyday life and the digestion of those experiences are governed by the rhythms or cycles that are natural to your physical body. These cycles control to some degree the chemical compounds in the physical container. These chemical compounds then in relationship to the brain, the organ of the brain, can make the reception or the attitude the spiritual attitude, or reception of that spirituality a little more conducive to the physical container. Do you understand?

Questioner: Yes.

The Council: So in that sense they are very important. Now, it is not a question of whether you grow spiritually or not. In other words, it is not a question of saving your soul, if you want to use those terms, but it does help the situation and these rhythms do affect the outward reaction that you have to the world.

Questioner: Well, let me rephrase the question. I firmly believe there are rhythms but I am questioning, like the physical cycle is supposed to be 28 days from the day of birth. But does it progress like that throughout your whole life? Or if you are sick, does it get out of sync?

C: No, those all are related to the natural cycles of the material manifestation. You have far more than three cycles in your make-up. In total you could have well over one hundred different cycles that all intermix or interchange or interrelate to each other.

Questioner: But the 3 cycles we are thinking about, the way they figure
them is a valid way to do it.

The Council: Yes, they are based on the physical cycles of the material manifestation which are quite constant. Absolute in fact. Do you understand?

Questioner: I understand.

The Council: If you were to look at the natural cycles of the material manifestation, take for instance, the cycles of the moon, they are quite accurate. Over a long period of time, there are adjustments necessary but not in a single lifetime. Do you understand what we are saying?

Questioner: I understand what you are saying.

The Council: The adjustments are so minimal that it would take many, many lifetimes to even give it a second thought, so these are cycles that are constant with the material manifestation, with the very elements that you are composed of or the physical body of your soul is composed of. They all must work in relationship to each other. This is part of the holding process of the soul or the entity in the material manifestation. If you want to look at the situation in relationship to the overall picture, these cycles that are represented by man's vocabulary or man's intellect are very essential in you maintaining a material form for your growth. Now, we would not say that you should say everyone must have a picture of their rhythms. You could live, for the most part, quite well without any knowledge of such things, but for those who wish to pay attention to these, what shall we say, helpmates, well, naturally, why not use them if they interest you. Now, what you should know along with this is that they are very subtle cycles or they influence the overall picture of you very subtly. So, if you were to say that these cycles have drastic manifestations in your every day, no, this is not the case, this is not the case. Yet they do exist, and they do have a direct influence on you. It is your ability to control yourself through your spirituality, through your wisdom, through your good judgment that keeps these cycles from radically affecting your exterior activities. Do you understand that?

Questioner: Yes.

The Council: So, you can go as, shall we put it, "crazy" with those cycles as you care to go. But common courtesy, education, wisdom, conditions, help to maintain the exterior, plus past experiences in your lifetime. If a person were to observe their inner feelings very closely and become attuned to their moods, to their energy levels, to their outlook, and to their mental activity, would without too much trouble be able to sense these cycles. So, they do exist and they do have an important part to play in your overall make-up, but the soul quality, the soul-saving quality of these things, no, you are looking at them then from the wrong point of view. Is that understood?

Questioner: Yes.

The Council: So disregarding your cycles does not determine whether you are going to grow spiritually or not. They will or can help in understanding yourself in your everyday relationships or activities. So, in that sense then, in an indirect sense, it is possible to help you in a spiritual way if you choose to look at it that way. But only as a once-removed, shall we say, helpmate.

Friday, September 26, 2014

How the fall of man occurred.

How the fall of man occurred.

In this somewhat involved dialogue with William LePar's spiritual source, The Council, they explain in simple terms how the fall of man occurred. On many occasions they have reminded us that we do not possess a vocabulary sufficient to adequately explain their existence. They say that the best they can do is paint a picture for us and hope that we will see beyond the words.

The Council: The angels are nothing more than fields of force, vibrations, messengers, whatever, thoughts of the Divine that were created for your use. They were like a comet for you to direct, to explode into a new universe; they were your servants and you chose to accept their feeble challenge. "Prove to us that you are our gods." Silly, silly, silly. You chose, and you have been attempting to prove it ever since. An example, God and all of His beings that He has created in the very beginning before the Fall of man were like a cosmic comet flying through many eternities, many universes, and as it moved forward with the Godhead in the beginning, in the front, all His other gods close by making a solid front, moving ahead, creating new ways of travel, new ways of penetration, new ways of movement, new forms, those that were created to serve as they fulfilled their position, they became the tail, and they dropped off, and they grew as beautiful gardens in the heavens, you see, now we are referring to the angels: they were the tail of the heavenly comet. Unfortunately, some of those chose to challenge. "Why should we be the heavenly gardens? Why can't we travel ahead? Prove to us that you deserve to move and seed the heavens and not us?" Does that give you any better understanding?

Questioner: Yes. Some, thank you.

The Council: You and all of the entities on the face of the earth were intended to be heavenly seed bearers, heavenly planters of heavenly gardens, gardens that consist of thousands and thousands of universes, forming diamonds as gigantic as a universe, as perfect as perfect can be. There are no terms in man's vocabulary to describe what you are and what you could have been. There are no words to describe the magnitude of even your fallen state, so we must resort to such silly little things.

Questioner: Well, the angels that challenged us as spiritual beings, I can't recall now, was this Lucifer and the angels who fell?

The Council: Yes, if you wish to put it in those terms. For the present it would be much simpler to rely on that. You have a basic understanding from the Creation Story. You see, would you accept a challenge from someone you hired? If you were to hire a person to scrub your floors, and that person said to you, "Why should I scrub your floors? You can do it. I'll just take the money." What would you say?

Questioner: No.

The Council: That is just a very blah example of what the angels did to you. If you would have handled the situation properly, you would have completely ignored such a question, and just assumed that it would be done, and you would have been gone and taken care of whatever business you had planned for the day. The consideration of the challenge is the halting of the forward movement.

For more on William LePar and The Council visit

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Healing Part 5 - The Council's final remarks on healing and an experiment for us to attempt.

In this final posting on healing William LePar's spiritual source, The Council give us an experiment to try.

The Council: In order to learn to control the right side of the brain as a healer or as one who is being healed, if one were to attempt it on their own in order to help you sense the activities of the right side of the brain, you may try this experiment. Sit very quietly and close your eyes, and try to vision something very simple. You may choose something like a number, 1, 2, or whatever. Keep it to a single digit. Or you may choose the initial of your name. Close your eyes and envision this letter or numeral, whichever you choose. Take note how you are seeing it. Now, this will take a little effort on your part. You must construct this vision. Then, with your left hand, as you are envisioning this numeral or letter, with your left hand place it on your left temple. Place your left hand on your left temple, and then visually move this letter or number to the left side of your viewing screen or however you are seeing this. Concentrate on that. Hold that image clear and as sharp as you can. Then take your left hand away from your left temple, place your right hand on your right temple and move that figure, that letter, or that number, to the right side of your screen of vision. Do this a number of times until you can very readily move the figure back and forth. Now, the desired objective is to actually see this letter or number on one side or the other side of your line of vision. Now, this is with your eyes closed. You should be able to see this figure, this letter or number, on the left side of your inner viewing screen and on the right side and you should be able to see it move from side to side as you will it. Practice this so that you can do it without touching the temple or the head. Now, we simply say, place the left hand on the left side of the head simply to give you a means of motivation, not that it will draw this figure over there, but it helps you to concentrate and utilize the activity of the brain or the function of the brain. In other words, it is simply a support system in helping you switching from the right to the left side of the brain. As we said, be able to do this with some ease. Then make the effort to be able to do it without touching either side of the head. In the process of this moving back and forth, you should also attempt other activities. Make the letter grow bigger or smaller. Move it closer to you or further away. If you are attuned to what you are doing, you will feel a very definite change. It will be hard to describe, but you will notice something different when you move this figure over to the right side of your viewing screen. In this process then what you are achieving is utilizing the ability to function or activate one side of the brain over the other. Maybe we will continue with some other instructions later on.

For more on William LePar and The Council visit

Monday, September 1, 2014

Healing Part 4 - Right hand verses left hand people.

In this quote from William LePar's spiritual source, The Council, they discuss right-handed verses left-handed people.

Questioner: Is there any particular hand that should be used? Or should both be used on opposite sides of the head?

The Council: Well, there is much spoken of as far as positive and negative sides of the physical container, and these, in actuality, play their part to some degree as far as the electrical fields of the body itself, but this is nullified basically when it comes to healing; so whatever is comfortable for the one who is laying on the hands. If you feel more comfortable placing your right hand on the ailment, then fine, do so. If you feel more comfortable placing your left hand on the ailing portion, then do so. It is really immaterial when it comes to healing, because what transpires when a healing takes place is something that is beyond the fields or the personal fields of the body; they are influenced by the Divine Source.

There are some thoughts on healing where one must have a negative charge to a positive side and vice versa. Well, it makes for interesting reading, but this is not the case, in actuality, because what transpires when the healing forces become present or active is that they are neither positive nor negative. They are the pure source of the energy and are utilized or transformed according to the needs of the physical container. So, do not assume that you may short-circuit some field or another. These are the mechanical activities of the physical container that are utilized to bring about an ailment but are overridden basically, or to simplify the situation, they are overridden when a healing is to take place. So one may say they are nullified or normalized, whichever term you care to use.

Questioner: In a previous communication I asked if there was any significance to being left-handed, and the Council replied that this would be something that should be brought up later. Would this be a good time? Would this tie in with right brain and left brain?

The Council: It certainly is tied in to the activities of the right and left side of the brain.

Questioner: Would left-handers tend to be better healers?

The Council: No. It is solely the activity of the right side of the brain and its ability to override the left side, and by practicing the visualization you learn to control the left side and overcome its more direct activity. A left-handed individual is no better than a right-handed individual. If you will review what we were discussing at that time, you will come up with some specific questions along that line that would be interesting to get the answers to. We think that should suffice for this evening.

For more on William LePar and The Council visit

Friday, August 15, 2014

Healing Part 3 - How we can stimulate the right side of the brain.

In this interchange between a questioner and William LePar's spiritual source, The Council, they discuss ways to stimulate the right side of the brain.

Questioner: What are some ways that we could use to stimulate the right side of the brain?

The Council: The simplest way to begin to stimulate the right side of the brain is begin to think of peaceful things. Think of peaceful and serene pictures. Begin to visualize beautiful things. Look at photographs in the reverse position, especially those photographs that are of a pleasant or beautiful nature, either of scenery or religious figures, what have you; anything that is uplifting; anything that is touching to the heart.

Questioner: You spoke of looking at them in a reverse position. Could you please clarify?

The Council: Upside down.

Questioner: Why?

The Council: Well, study the activities of the eye connected to the brain, and you will see that by doing this you create a certain confusion to that nasty, nasty side that you must overcome. Now, we say this, again, tongue in cheek.

Questioner: Kind of sneak it by the censors?

The Council: Well, you might say that. Now, if you wish to practice healing, exercise the right side of the brain. That is the first step. Visualize things of great beauty, and practice this so that you can hold a picture in your mind. Now, to you this may not seem as though anything is transpiring. Do not worry about your right side or your left side of the brain. Simply visualize pictures of beauty, of peace, of harmony. Start with simple things. If a particular flower holds your fancy or if a particular shape holds your fancy, then start with these, and the more you can bring that picture into your mind clearly and sharply, the more active the right side of the brain is. Now, as far as viewing a serene photograph or painting in the reverse position, we would not suggest that this be done all the time, because this has a tendency then to create a laziness beyond a certain point in the activity of the brain. This can be used on occasion and then only for short periods of time; hold the picture right side up and then reverse it, and concentrate on the picture in the reverse position. Do not just look at it in a general sense. Look at it intently, then put the picture right side up, and do this, say, three or four times, and then put the picture aside and practice the visualization. When you get to the point that you can hold a good picture for a period of time, then you have strengthened the right side of the brain. You have pronounced its activities or have made its activities pronounced. The key is to keep that visualization for a period of time. Try to increase the period of time. Do not become anxious and set goals that are ridiculous, but increase that period of time, slowly. Now, when you pray for a person, utilize that activity. When you pray for a healing, utilize that activity. The physical properties that transpire in the body by activating the right side of the brain increases the body's ability to transmit the electrical impulses or the electromagnetic fields in the body to assist as a triggering device in the body of the person needing the healing. If you can encourage the other individual to visualize some activity that can be related to healing, this would help. Possibly, with some people you may suggest that they visualize a washing flood of light through them; or they may attempt to see the ailment begin to glow and be surrounded by a bright light. Any form of activity such as that that is dependent on the right side of the brain will allow the spiritual forces to be activated or to flow more freely. Also, what transpires during these activities is that a spiritual insight also comes through. When one attempts a laying on of hands, one should also place the hands on the head, after the one who is laying on of hands has visualized or activated the right side of the brain, allowing some of these fields of energy then to stimulate the organ itself. Then, if one chooses, one may proceed to lay hands on the ailing part.

For more on William LePar and The Council visit

Friday, August 1, 2014

Healing Part 2 - How we activate the right side of the brain.

In this posting from William LePar's spiritual source, The Council, we have some important information on healing and how the right side of the brain is key to healing. A decision must be made at a soul level before any healing can occur. There are situations where a soul may chose not to have a healing. The illness may exist to help others.

Questioner: At a trance last year you closed by saying that at a later date we should ask you for more information on healing and how to make it somewhat easier and along with that insight into spirituality.

The Council: Healing is a very simple process, if you can accept it. It is the desire to be whole, first of all. It is the desire to be fulfilled in God's Eyes. To be fulfilled in God's Eyes means to be whole, complete, and happy. It is the wish, it is the desire, it is the intention of your Divine Father for you to be completely whole, to be completely happy, and to have all your needs fulfilled. Once you can really believe this, then the cure is yours; it is simply a matter of time; but there are some things that must transpire, unless, of course, you are speaking of miraculous or instantaneous healings. Let us speak then of the "normal" forms of healing. What is needed: First of all, belief. First of all, desire. First of all, knowing. Now, take note, we said "first of all" to each of those. A soul can be healed without the conscious knowledge of it or without the conscious knowledge that there is a healing in process or a healing being prayed for. More responsibility falls on the healer then to activate or trigger the spiritual process. Now to the secrets of healing and we say that somewhat tongue in cheek. A healing takes place in the physical because there has been an opening to the soul. The opening to the soul does not come from the physical first but from the spiritual first. So the spiritual must work through the physical, and its first active, overt, outward contact is with the mind. The mind utilizes then the brain. The brain does not exist of its own self. The brain exists because of the function of the mind. Now that is important to understand. The mind is the most obvious connection with the soul. It is the soul speaking to the physical through its concepts, through its present concepts. The soul's most creative activities come through the right hemisphere. It is known that the right hemisphere is the aesthetic side of human nature; it knows the beauty; it knows the Divine. Whether on a conscious level or not, the right hemisphere must be made active in some way or some form, it must be made active in the sense that it can see the body whole. The more intense this sight is, the more quickly and the more completely the healing will be. So, if you want a healing, simply activate the right side of the brain, and you are 99% of the way there. Now, how complicated is that? All physical healings come through the right side of the brain. The stronger one trains the right side of the brain, the more completely it will heal. Even with the healer, the right side of the brain must be active. When it comes to greater spiritual growth, if one cannot visualize the spiritual concepts through the right side of the brain, then spiritual growth cannot be had. The heart is activated by the right side of the brain; now when we say "heart" we are not referring to the organ, but we are referring to what the heart represents as far as emotions and feelings. When the right side of the brain and its powers are released in the sense of healing and love, the physical container then can become a very strong tool, a very powerful tool for healing. Now, again, even though there is this process involved, that it becomes nothing more in reality then than a channel for the Divine Force to be active or released into the material manifestation. Very well. Are there any questions?

For more on William LePar and The Council visit

Friday, July 18, 2014

Healing Part 1 - What Actually Takes Place.

This posting begins a series on healing. This quote from William LePar's spiritual source, The Council gives us some important information about what is needed from the healer. We must always keep in mind that in some situations the soul that is being healed does not wish a physical healing. There can be many reasons for this. The initial reason for the illness may be for those around the person who is ill, to help them in their spiritual growth.

Questioner: My question concerns the area of healing. In our condition of existence an individual opens himself as a channel for the flow of creative energy for the person to be healed. I would like to know what actually takes place in the unseen by those who assist us in this process?

The Council: It is a very simple process; so simple that man finds it very hard to cope with, and that is the sincere desire to be used as a channel, that is on the healer's part first. When the healer has enough belief in himself, then he becomes a healer. Then those energies can flow through him, whether they be from the Divine Source Himself or from those who are, shall we say, schooling on the other side. Now the problem that is the greatest of stumbling blocks is the one that is to be healed. Healing cannot come to an individual unless that individual so chooses it. Regardless of what the words may be from that individual, the healing must be desired from the soul or from the spirit. So it is simply on the healer's part the sincere desire to be used. Along with this, the healer must have the faith that this will take place. If the healer has the least bit of hesitancy, then the healer blocks that natural flow. A doubt in one's ability causes a friction or a static where these finer vibrations are, shall we say, prevented from flowing.

Most healings do not take place because one or the other has doubt. The other reason, unfortunately, for healings not taking place is that the supposed healer is not really a healer at all. Each individual has its abilities: some for healing, some for other things; and there are those individuals who are attracted to healing because of the self-glorification that it can bring them; so consequently, these are not true healers.

Friday, July 4, 2014

The Council Tells us a Secret

Even though William LePar's spiritual source, The Council, comes from a level of spirituality where they no longer have names or professions. However, they have great compassion for those of us who still occupy physical bodies. In this posting The Council gives insight into how they left the physical world on a permanent basis.

Questioner: Thank you, Council. The members of The Council, the twelve souls that you are, when you walked the earth plane, such as we do today, what path did you take to achieve the necessary spiritual awareness so that you no longer needed to reincarnate? And were you doctors, lawyers, and so on?

The Council: We are the same soul quality, the same creation that each of you are. As we said, we once had physical bodies, we once had lives. We did all the things that we should not do, and eventually we learned to do all the things that we should do. Were we doctors, were we lawyers, were we this or that? We were all things at one time or another. Did we just come into the material form once and then achieve some great illumination and pass on into the God-Made Heavenly Realms? No. We learned by the trials of the fire, just as you are learning. What path did we take? Well, we all tried many paths. We tried the easiest paths possible or at least we thought they were the easiest paths, until one day, one episode, one life, each of us as individuals stumbled upon the secret: You can only receive what you have given. At that point we realized that if we wanted the love that we needed for our own recognition of our godhead, we had to give it. And so that was our point of turning. That was the cleansing fire, that was the transmutation, and you might say that was the spiritual resurrection of ourselves. Does that answer the question?

Questioner: Well, just one more. Thank you, Council. Do you all stay the same or do you go on and change or does someone go on and then another soul come in? Does The Council constantly stay the same?

The Council: No, The Council constantly evolves. The Council is a forum for those of us who have reached this level of awareness, of godliness, to be able to give one demonstration, one final demonstration, to man in his darkest hour of need. During one communication all twelve can be renewed or changed. In one communication it is possible that only one would be replaced. In a communication, those twelve that originally started may stay till the very end. It is the need of the individual. It is the desire to reach the final state of existence, and that is the total mergence with the Godhead, still maintaining your own unique identity, still with your own knowing, your own awareness, nothing lost only glorified and magnified a million times over.

For more on William LePar and The Council visit

Thursday, June 19, 2014

The Attitude is What Makes a Spiritual Person

This quote comes from William LePar's lecture titled: Love and Being Loved from the recent publication, Return to Eden, The Universal Being Lectures of William LePar.

LePar: I truly believe this is the most important bit of information The Council has ever given us because it is the key to everything. It is the key to why we are here. It goes like this:

The Council: "We said that spirituality is an attitude. Yes, it is. It is that simple. It is an attitude of love, of giving, of compassion, of commitment, of thinking about the next person before you think about yourself."

LePar: Think about that. I’ve been talking to you about love. Love is giving. Love is being willing to commit yourself to an individual so that you give to them totally. Thinking about them before you think about yourself. Did we ever stop to think that in doing that we’re actually achieving spirituality? If spirituality is an attitude of giving and loving and commitment then all of life is nothing more than an attitude and what is an attitude? It’s the way we choose to look at any given situation. The way we choose to look. Love is an attitude and with that attitude I guarantee you 100% that you are going to grow spiritually.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The Harmonic Convergence and the End of the Mayan Calendar.

This is much longer than my usual posting but I felt that you would find the entire piece interesting in light of last year's ending of the Mayan calendar. Mr. LePar's spiritual source, The Council answers a question about an event that was considered by many people to be as significant as the Mayan ending last year. Those of you familiar with astrology will recognize what is being discussed but I believe we can all learn from what The Council says about situations of this nature. On the surface it appears that not much happened but perhaps that is not entirely true! Notice in particular the analogy of making bread. It is very difficult for the finite mind of man to grasp the infinite. Using analogies is the method that The Council uses to teach us.

Questioner: What is the significance of the event that happens on August 23, 1987? There is going to be a rare alignment of planets in the sign of Leo which takes us into Virgo. At that time the sun, the moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars will all be in those two signs, so what can we expect? What does this mean? Is this the start of the Aquarian Age? Is it the ending of old cultures and beliefs?

The Council: Well, we do not wish to get into astrology, but we can answer the question sufficiently, if you are willing to listen closely to what we say. No one should doubt the influence of the heavenly bodies. It is, how shall we put it, almost proven, at least proven by those who are more advanced thinkers in the scientific field. Those who are still in the medieval age, of course, will never see beyond their nose, but setting that aside for now. Whenever you have unusual alignments, you have increased influences in all of creation. Now, for us to say that something dramatic will transpire on a particular date would be foolish on our part, because what will transpire most of the world will not sense or see or feel because before anything manifests in the physical plane, it must have been created and formed in a higher plane. The additional influences or unnatural or unusual influences by particular alignments add a stimulus to the level of formation or that level where all thought, whether they be prayerful thought or just meditative thought, mesh with the forces of creation and each individual's output, mentally and prayerfully. There in that level it is similar to the making of dough or bread dough. All the ingredients are placed in a large container. They are mixed, kneaded together, allowed to rise, kneaded again, allowed to rise, kneaded again, and ready for the heat of the furnace or the oven, which is the proving of the efforts and the ingredients. What lies in store for mankind is solely created by their concepts, and their physical concepts or standards are a direct reflection of their true status as a spiritual creation. At one time we said you could judge what level you are, now this is at a soul level, by your character. In that particular time slot that you referred to (August 23, 1987) additional influences will be added to the level of formation. It is not a situation where at one minute the influences or the energies are turned off and a few minutes later or a few days later they are switched on again. It is not an on and off situation. What you have is a gradual buildup of this energy and then a gradual waning of that energy, yet that energy has acted as the yeast in the bread dough.

What will transpire will be determined directly by what has come before and what will come after. In other words, what is created and ready to ... descend to the physical manifestation can be modified and changed according to the moment by moment change of the entire influences of creation. The biggest input to those influences are all of you as soul entities, or soul beings. So, if man has created a dark future, it will come, but it can be modified on a moment by moment situation or state of existence according to how man changes his outlook for the future. That, of course, is done by the way he changes his lifestyle. Why do certain calendars end? We could say that those who have created the calendars or who have been responsible for the calendars had to have some time to stop, some place in creation the future projections had to stop. What better place than at some unusual situation? That is what we could say. Possibly, something to think about is it is a doorway. Possibly, the wisdom of years gone by or centuries gone by or times gone by have been utilized to project man's outlook into the future only up to a certain point, and hopefully by doing so man has raised his conscious level, his spiritual insight, his spiritual outlook, so that by the time one reaches that doorway he has created for himself a whole new world or a whole new heaven or a whole new state of existence. For some people, a life of great prosperity will start, and we are speaking "prosperity" in the sense spiritual prosperity and emotional prosperity. For others, nothing will change; everything will stay the same. And yet for others, it will be the beginning of a downhill slide. Although all of the future is created by the combination or the combined efforts of all who are existing in the physical manifestation, you as individuals create your own future and your own state of existence within the framework of that great state of existence. We have attempted to instigate in each of you a positive outlook for yourself and for mankind, yet at the same time we have laced that attitude with a bleak picture that may exist for your futures. This was done so that it would act as a stimulus to be more constructive, more determined, to make the day that you all deserve, and that is a day of blue skies and bright sun. Some have been very successful. Some, we would say, could be classified as marginal. Others have only been superficial in their efforts and their rewards will be superficial. The old wise men were truly wise. They tried to push man into the future with a glimmer of hope and then bring him to a doorway that must be crossed through, leaving the other side to his imagination and thusly to his powers of creation.

For more on William LePar and The Council visit

Friday, May 23, 2014

Little Ways We can Grow Spiritually.

William LePar's spiritual source has encouraged us to seek ways to become more spiritual. In this quote they give us some ideas on making spirituality a part of our daily activities. This opens the door to great rewards for each of us when these efforts become habits.

The Council: Taking small situations wherein you can demonstrate your desire for greater spirituality begins to further chip away at your present state, and making these small good habits, such as kindness, a pleasant smile, a good word, making these then a part of your everyday manifestation they begin to grow then.

Maybe on the, shall we say, first week you would only be pleasant once a day or have a good word or a kind word once a day, but then the second week you may try it twice a day, and then three times a day and so on and so forth, till whenever you speak to an individual you speak first with the thought of kindness towards them before any word comes out of your mouth, and then love and then works, actual works, kindness and love and charity; and so you recondition that subconscious area, thus it changes the physical; but the physical must also be trained; the spirit to your being will influence the physical from exterior sources by bringing the physical in contact with the right individuals, the proper individuals, who have a godly attitude, thus you consciously gain knowledge and experiences, while the spirit itself manipulates through this area of the conscious that carries the karmic debt, and so you work with yourself, influencing from both ends.

For more on William LePar and The Council visit