Monday, August 19, 2019

Atlantis - Part 1 - Crystals and Polar Change

The information in this section came in the middle of a discussion of the Bermuda Triangle by William LePar's spiritual source, The Council. For further discussion of the Bermuda Triangle, see SOL's File – Mysteries of the Universe.
Questioner:  There is a school of thought that that has something to do with the Lost Continent of Atlantis, dealing with pyramids and a crystal.  Is there any truth to that?
The Council:  The crystals are activated more than would normally be since below the surface of the once continent of Atlantis lie those things that have a tendency to cause the disruption in the force field, such as the gravitational force field, the magnetic force field, what have you.  One of the instigating factors in the collapse of Atlantis was this that was forming then under the surface of that continent; this is all in preparation for the great change of the axis.
Questioner:  When you said, "for the great change of the axis," now would that indicate any change in the axis of rotation or only the shift of the magnetic poles.
The Council:  The magnetic poles.
Questioner:  You mean in preparation for the upcoming change or one that has occurred in the past?
The Council:  The big change is coming.
Questioner:  Let me ask you if there are other places on the surface of the earth that have similar properties to them?
The Council:  Yes.  Twelve, and they lie in a pattern.
Questioner:  I have heard it said that the Sargasso Sea is similar.  Is that one of them?
The Council:  The Sargasso Sea is part of the elliptical area that is referred to as the Bermuda Triangle.  You will find that all these areas are elliptical in shape.  "Bermuda Triangle" has a much more commercial sound to it than the "Bermuda Elliptical Area."  There is a natural grid of forces on the globe.  There are twelve.  They run at the upper part of the sphere and at the lower part of the sphere; so that you can form, shall we say, geometric patterns by connecting them the proper way.  This is a very natural condition and cannot really be referred to as phenomena, although man would probably choose to refer to it as a phenomena.  These segments or elliptical patterns are or were at one time the magnetic poles of the earth.  In the great change time will be definitely suspended and those who are present will be quite aware that time has been suspended.  The influences of the heavenly bodies and the workings of those elements under the crust cause the reaction in these elliptical areas.  Now, it could possibly be said that these are doorways to other dimensions, but this would be somewhat inaccurate.  They are not truly doorways to anything but a refinement, if you wish to use those words, in one's experience or awareness; not necessarily indicating a positive situation, only indicating by the word refinement that there is a change from the gross material to possibly the gross of another dimension that could be influenced by other beings.  You see, this all borders on reality and time; everything is related and is connected with all things.

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Monday, August 5, 2019

Some Insight into The Council

This information from William LePar's spiritual source, The Council, gives us a little insight into how they know all that is. They also warn us not to pray to them as they consider themselves only emissaries of the Divine. Certainly they are of a Divine nature but our prayer should always be directed to our Creator.
Questioner:  Can you help us at times when we are not here, if we call on you?
The Council:  At no time should any of you call on us.  Absolutely never call on us.  First, we could not answer you.  If you are to call on anyone for help, by all means call on your Maker.  Call on His Love, not us.  We can when it is in the Divine Plan speak to you, shall we say, from a spiritual level, and then your spirit will feed the information down to your physical.  If you were to call for help from us, it would be wiser if you were to say or request from us that we pray for you.  Then by all means we would pray.  The most that we can hear from any of you is a request for a prayer. 
This should offer an opportunity to give some explanation as to how we know all that there is to know.  Those of a higher spiritual development can always extend themselves down to those of a lower spiritual development.  Those of a lower spiritual development can never raise their spirituality or their vibrations up to the higher.  It is only by the higher reaching to the lower that the lower can climb, can be raised up.  In being able to render information to you that helps in your spiritual development, every breath that you take, every thought that you think, every motion that you make is left in eternity.  There is a mark.  There is a stamp.  There is an expression.  And, shall we say, it is like opening a book and watching the story unfold.  With less than a wink of an eye we can cover everything that you have ever experienced in all your incarnations, because the information then becomes a part of our very awareness, our own knowledge.  Just as when the time comes that you rise up to our development, you will experience the same thing.  This awareness is not reserved for just a few.  This awareness is the rightful ability of each and every creation of God, if one chooses to achieve it.  Although at times we may say, "we see here," or at times we may even refer to looking at the book, there is in reality no book.  There is nothing for us to see, but it is a knowing.  It is an existence of complete creativity, complete awareness, complete joy, complete love, almost complete godliness which we hope to achieve soon.  It is an existence that very, very few in the physical have any awareness of.  But it is every much a living existence as the existence you have.  It is much more full of life than any of you can ever dream of.