Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Can the Soul Enter the Body after Birth?

 Can the Soul Enter the Body after Birth?  

In this Q & A William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, tells us about the soul’s activity at the time of birth.

 Questioner:  Does the soul or spirit sometimes enter the body after birth?

 The Council:  There are some who would say, yes, that a soul can hover over a physical tool for quite some time.  In one respect this is true, but in another respect it is not true.  There is such a thing as complete control of the physical tool or body and an incomplete control.  Now there are rare, and we repeat again, RARE occasions when a soul does not have complete control of the small body.  In this case then one could say that the soul does not fully enter the physical tool or the physical body for some time after birth.

 Questioner:  I was under the impression that is what kept the physical alive, the soul or the spirit.

 The Council:  It does; it gives it the life; but there is a chemical action involved in the process of the physical body.  You see, it is all very natural.  Do you understand?  This element combined with that element creates a chemical reaction and that chemical reaction can trigger an electrical impulse; now that electrical impulse can also then be responsible for causing two chemicals, shall we say, or two elements to unite that would not normally unite and create another electrical impulse; so there is a degree of life in a physical body without a soul.  Now it would be wise not to pursue that particular line of information since it becomes an extremely complicated situation in that it opens the avenue for such things as possession and what have you.

For more about William LePar and The Council visit

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Hyperkinetic Children

The information given here by William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, will be of value to all of us.

Questioner:  Regarding hyperkinetic children, would you give us any information as to general causes for this?  Anything that would be of help on a general basis to the public?

 The Council:  We have more or less given you the answer to the problem.  This comes from an extreme sensitivity to, shall we say, those things that are not natural in the line of food; and although we must acknowledge that at times medication is necessary as a temporary solution, the actual problem is not eliminated with the medication; but such situations can be overcome by a very close eye on the diet.  All those foods that are not natural and pure and clean will cause problems.  It is a complicated system of allergies to unnatural things, and we might say that the unnatural things are toxins, actually, and so with an extremely sensitive system these toxins have the effects of keeping the child on an unnatural high, so to speak.  So if one were to eliminate those things that are not clean, those things that have been very processed, you would see a marked change in a child.

For more on William LePar and The Council visit

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Healing – It begins in the physical – Part 2

 This is a continuation of the previous posting by William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council.

The Council:  If healing has been achieved at the soul level and is to be achieved in the physical itself, then those steps, those occurrences, will transpire according to the situation or the soul's plan, through its association with others in the material manifestation, thus when the proper sequence of events transpire, the left hemisphere unlocks the healing forces.  There are times such as in truly miraculous healings or instantaneous healings, those that are complete and true healings, the left hemisphere is overridden by the right hemisphere of the physical brain.  These again are all determined by the need of the soul who must or is to have a healing and those who must relate to the situation.  It is the spiritual aspects of the entity itself that decides to work in this manner, and therefore has created a physical container with organs that function for specific reasons, such as the brain proper itself.  All things in God's Creation go according to the natural plans of the material manifestation or to the natural laws of the material manifestation; it is a delicate merging and blending of great beauty if one can see the intricate workings of each other, the material and the spiritual; it is a great spiritual concert or symphony.  Far too often man fails to see the beauty of life, whether it be the spiritual life or the material life.  All that you see in the material is a reflection of the spiritual, whether it be the universal condition of the world or whether it be the universal condition of the individual soul.  As we said though in some cases there are souls that decide to endure what some would refer to as unpleasant conditions only to give others the opportunity to demonstrate their godliness. 

For more on William LePar and The Council visit 

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Healing – It begins in the physical – Part 1

William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, gives us a very interesting explanation of how healings occur.

Questioner:  Is the healing by the healer in the spirit world the restoring of harmony in the energy fields of the individual's body or is the healing in the mind of the individual which then manifests in the body?

The Council:  It is truly a combination of both.  Those that participate together, shall we say, or those who cooperate together from either side of the veil work through, how shall we put it, a very precise or a very structured pattern or chain of occurrences.  First, one must realize that healing or whatever cannot be achieved in the physical until first it is accomplished in the spiritual; yet there are many who have achieved healings in the spiritual that will not manifest in the physical for, shall we say, other reasons that may not directly at all times relate to those individuals who, shall we say, appear to need the healing.  The chain of events or the structure by which healings transpire or occur from the spiritual to the physical might be interesting to some.  If one looks upon the physical container as nothing more than a receiver of the soul's attitudes and actions and efforts to achieve a greater relationship between it and its Creator, then one must understand a little clearer how that receiver works.  Look at the organ that you refer to as the brain.  Do you have a personality or a consciousness because of the brain, the organ itself?  Or does that organ construct or demonstrate a personality because of the soul?

The brain itself as with the physical container is nothing more than an empty shell that reacts to the stimulus given to it by the soul proper, that soul that is maintaining the physical.  The soul in spiritual concepts and in those things that deal with healings must come into the physical through the right side of the brain. It is the right hemisphere of the brain that is the channel or the connection with the soul.  Now this is not to say that the soul is separated from the physical container, floating in some etheric segment or space and transmitting a signal to the right hemisphere of the brain.  The soul is in fact a very intricate part of what you look at or understand or conceive or perceive as a physical container.  The soul concentrates its effort or its action in a space, and in that space then you observe what you understand as a body.  The soul then, saying it has achieved a healing for some physical problem transmits that healing through the right hemisphere of the brain.  The right hemisphere must override the left hemisphere which is, shall we say, more earthy, more logical, more formal.  If the left hemisphere cannot logically perceive a purpose or a course of healing, then at times it restricts the healing from manifesting in the physical container.  Again, this is influenced at times by cause and effect or karma.  It also can be influenced by the conditions of the situation that the physical container finds itself in, the surroundings.  If it is necessary to receive a triggering mechanism for the healing to manifest in the physical container, then the left hemisphere of the brain must wait for that trigger or that mechanism, not in the sense that it absolutely must wait, but in the sense that it is geared to rational experiences.  

For more on William LePar and The Council visit

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Guardian Angels

Many people have questions about guardian angels. William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council provides us some detailed information about these protectors and guides.

Questioner:  We … had some questions about guardian angels.  Can guardian angels be souls who have crossed over or are they actual angels?

The Council:  They can be souls who have crossed over and they can be actual angels.  It is, shall we say, mistaken identity when one seems to think that all guardian angels are angels period, but many entities, loved ones, and even those that you may never have met in your material manifestation can assist you and help to protect you or guide you.  These are entities much like yourself only they are on the other side.  So, a guardian angel does not necessarily mean that it is an angel per se.  Remember, the meaning of the word "angel" and that should give you the definition.

Questioner:  Are there certain qualifications for guardian angels?

The Council:  Qualifications on a personal level.  Does the entity feel as though they can help you?  And if the answer is yes, then they can be a guardian angel or what you assume a guardian angel is.

Questioner:  Can any angel be a guardian angel?

The Council:  Yes.  It is determined by your personal relationship with those angels that serve you in your higher state of existence or in a more divine state of existence.

Questioner:  Is there a difference between what they call a "spirit guide" and a guardian angel?

The Council:  No, that is basically man's terminology, but they can be the same thing.

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

The Holy Family

 Below is a link to a video of the Holy Family talk based on the information from William LePar's psychic source, The Council. This talk was presented at our Universal Being conference in October.

The topics covered include The Immaculate Conception, The Virgin Birth many facets of God, the creation of us and the angels, The Crucifixion, the Resurrection, the Shroud of Turin and much more.

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Christmas Message

The Council:  As to the time of year that is approaching, the time of Advent. All men should take this time to prepare for the Coming of the Divine Saviour.  All men should prepare to accept the Promise of their Father in Heaven. At the time of Advent it is generally the custom of some religions to have what is called an Advent Wreath, and with the proper attitude toward such things this can be of a spiritual uplifting and a preparation for each and every entity at a soul level to better appreciate the Love of the Divine Father.  In most cases the accepted Advent Wreath is a wreath made out of wheat straw, with the candles of white, red, and purple.  Since man is limited in his ability to understand the Divine, the Divine often speaks to him in symbolism, and man's understanding of these symbolisms only gives him some minute awareness of the Divinity that lies beyond.  Since not all men are blessed with Beatific Vision, those that are not must rely on thoughts and symbolisms.  The wheat straw that is used to make up the ring or the wreath symbolizes the fruits of the earth, the circle symbolizing the eternity.  Those fruits that man develops or earns or that are his rewards are for an eternity, not everlasting, but an eternity.

The purple candle that is often used represents the royalty that comes into the world at this time of the year, and the light, of course, atop the purple column is significant of the Light of Jesus Christ.  The purple column being His Royalty, His Reign, His Kingdom. The red candle represents the Passion and Blood that was shed. Blood and Passion, the control of the physical.  The control to such a degree that a soul can either accept the best in life if it is given to him, or he can accept the worst in life if it is given to him.  The Divine Father has given him the strength to overcome all the injustices that may be inflicted upon him. The Divine Father has given him the inner strength to see beyond those physical injustices or those physical pains to come to a greater realizing that those may be as a lesson to others and not to the entity themselves, and so the Divine Jesus Christ did suffer as an example to the extent which man himself should have faith in the Lord God.  Of course, the red again is topped by the flame that symbolizes the Light of Christ.  Many people have great fear of the symbolism of the blood and the sacrifice, and this is a weakness within them, and this is a weakness that they must learn to overcome.  When one is willing to endure their situation whether it be pleasant or unpleasant, when they are willing to make the best of that situation, they are showing the faith that they have in the Love of their Divine Father.  For they accept such things that they cannot correct, because they know that the Divine Father has a use for such an example.  In most cases it is to show the inner strength that man should have in his Divine Creator, the inner faith that man should have in his Divine Creator, the inner love and knowing that man should have in his Divine Creator in that this Divine Creator would not inflict pain or sorrow on any of His creations needlessly or even that He would do such a thing; and in this then some entities do choose to undergo hardships as an example of their love and faith in the Divine Father.  So the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ should never bring fear into the hearts of man, nor should it only indicate sacrifice and sorrow.  What it should indicate is the divine trust man should have in his Creating Father, and the divine love that he has, and the divine faith. The white candle represents the totality of Jesus Christ; the column, the foundation and the Light, purest of the pure. When man chooses to honor the season or to prepare himself spiritually and mentally for the Coming of the Messiah, oftentimes he does this by exhibiting an Advent Wreath and with this understanding of some of the symbolisms of the Advent Wreath, we hope that those who choose to prepare themselves in this manner will have a greater awareness and a touching in with the Divine.

 For more on William LePar and The Council visit