Friday, January 31, 2014

A Message from The Council - Part 3 - Return to the Still Lake

In the previous part of this message from The Council they explained how the decisions that we make in life can lead to challenges and difficulties that we never intended. In part three of their message they explain how we can reverse this chain of events and correct those problems.

"How does one begin to correct the situation? How can one return back to that peace, that calm, that still lake? One must begin to think and then act as opposed to reacting. To change your life, you must begin to act instead of react. What is necessary then to begin to act in a more godly way? A keystone in spiritual growth or development is this: You cannot grow one iota if you do not love yourself. The problem with the world today is that it does not love itself, it loves things, material possessions. But the individual creations of the Divine, within life, do not love themselves. They have lost that insight that they once had to their true value. So the first step one must take is to begin to love themselves, not in an egotistical way but in a godly way. Then one must begin to respect themselves, to have self-esteem, again not in an egotistical way but in a godly way. You must remember that there is a value to you regardless of how lacking in love you are or how many things you have done that you are not proud of, there still is a value to you. You have something to offer to mankind that only you can offer, no one else has that ability, that quality, that presence, to offer. You are a unique individual and only you can fulfill your mission in life. No one can fulfill it for you. So in that sense you are extremely important in all of creation. You are of true value because you have something to give. Do not worry what it may be, but think of giving of yourself. Create a self-image for yourself. Begin to think of yourself as a better person than what you presently think of yourself, again not in an egotistical manner but in the sense of having a respect for yourself. Knowing that you do have something to offer that no one else can give.

"So, to change your life, to make it more productive, to give you more in life of what you want, to bring a spiritual development or growth to yourself, first love yourself. Have a self-respect, a self-esteem for yourself, and then create an image in your mind of yourself, create a positive image of yourself. A helping hand or an essential aspect of spiritual growth is something that your world today dislikes. Most of the world today feels this thing is not good, is old-fashioned, is unworthy. What is this thing? It is discipline. In your society today, the word "discipline" is a vile word. It is dirty. It is unacceptable. Your society feels that discipline means to do without. This shows a lack of wisdom and insight because discipline does not mean do without, discipline means gain control of yourself so that you can have all that you wish in life, so that you can benefit from all experiences, so that you can have a life of peace, of joy, of happiness, so that you can have spiritual growth and all the material things in life that you wish. Discipline does not mean to do without. Discipline means to take control of yourself, give yourself a direction in life and follow that direction, by making conscious, well thought-out decisions. Do not react, but act. Gain control of your life, gain control of yourself. Think about each challenge that comes to your life, each crossroads that you come to. Discipline means to gain all that you wish to gain. It does not mean to do without. Those things that you can control, wonderful, control them. Those faults that you may have that you cannot control, at least, with discipline, you are able to practice a degree of moderation. And so that which you cannot control, at least moderate it to a degree."

For more on William LePar and The Council visit

Friday, January 17, 2014

A Message from The Council - Part 2 - Why Some Lives are Filled with Problems.

In part two of The Council's opening message they give us some thoughts on our reality but more importantly they paint a picture for us on how our lives move from one of peace and joy to one that is filled with challenges and difficulties. The Councils stated on more than one occasion that there are no such things as accidents. If we miss a step, fall and break a bone there were reasons for that to occur. It may be a warning to be more careful so that something far worse does not occur. It may have happened to offer friends and relatives the opportunity to be of help. Many times the complete picture is beyond human understanding but there was a purpose. There is no guarantee that the purpose will be fulfilled because each of us has the free will to respond in our own way.

"What is the nature of your reality? Do you just exist alone, as some philosophies say? That you create your own personal reality? That all that you experience is of your making? No. If it were so simple, but it is not. And if that were the case, then why would so many individuals, so many souls, so many entities create lives of hardship and sadness? What you see is reality as you understand it, but it is not a personal reality or an individual reality. In other words, all those individuals that you must deal with, day in and day out, whether they are your spouse or your children or casual acquaintances are not figments of your imagination or are not entities that you created for your own growth, but they are entities in their own just as you are. Reality is a collection of all of you creating together, not as individuals but as members of an orchestra. You are in concert with each other. The material manifestation or the earthly life is the opportunity to work with other entities in the growth process; it is a giving and a taking; it is a sharing.

"Why are some lives so filled with problems? Why are some lives filled with so much sadness and sorrow? Why is it some people never seem to go anyplace? They seem to stand still. Let us give you a little example of how life works. Although some of you may find this very hard to believe, initially when you made all the spiritual agreements and contracts to experience life with those around you, your life was planned out so that it would be filled with peace, contentment, happiness, and joy. If this be the case, then why are so many lives contrary to this? Picture your life as a lake, as smooth and quiet as a mirror, a piece of glass. At some time, at some place, at some experience in your life you reached a crossroads where a decision had to be made. A decision was made, but the decision was not as good as it could have been, and so this caused a ripple on the surface and slightly distorted the clarity of it. So as life progressed, then another crossroads came, another decision had to be made. The decision was made not through the clarity of the lake or the pool as it was originally, but now that decision is made through that ripple effect, and so the clarity of sight is not there, and again a wrong decision is made causing a greater degree of ripples, more ripples, less clarity, less quiet, less calm, less clear. And as life goes on then, each decision is made through this distortion, through this lack of clarity until finally this peaceful, placid lake, this mirror, is totally distorted, all clarity gone. This is how life becomes a trial. This is how hardships come into being. Once the lake becomes so distorted, then decisions are no longer really made, but instead of decisions they become reactions to emotions and to situations, reactions to emotions and situations."

For more on William LePar and The Council visit

Friday, January 3, 2014

A message from The Council - Part 1

This is the opening message at the first trance given by William LePar's,The Council', for the general public. There were more than 125 people in attendance for the event. Since the audience had a diverse understanding of what a trance is and who The Council is, they made an extra effort to explain their state of existence to those in attendance. We feel that their opening message will be instructional for all levels of spiritual knowledge. This will be presented in sections because it is a long and detailed introduction. In this section The Council explains the realms that exist for us once we cross over. They refer to the Man-Made Heavenly Realm as the area that souls go to if they are to remain within the cycle of reincarnation. They explain that the God-Made Heavenly Realm is where souls go who have worked themselves out of the cycle of reincarnation. Souls who move into this realm still have more learning, therefore more perfecting of their beings. Within this realm are three levels of further development. The Council identifies the levels. They tell us the level that they are in and they give us an indication of where that level is in relationship to God Himself.
The Council: "May the Peace and the Joy of the Infinite Father be upon you all, and may His Light shine down upon you, around you, and within each of you.

"This is our standard opening blessing at all the communications. We ask that each of you accept this blessing in good will.

"To begin this day, let us explain a little of ourselves, who we are and what we are. In order to get a better picture of who we are, you need some information.

"What lies beyond this material manifestation or your earthly lives? Originally, when all was created and then a need came for the material manifestation, the Divine Essence, the Infinite Father, the God of all, established what can simply be called or best be called the God-Made Heavenly Realms. Once His creations began to work their will, there was a need then to create a second heavenly realm, since those souls or entities or conscious state beings lost a degree of awareness, and in their confusion they began to create their own heavens. Their activities brought a need for a waiting place. That today is known as the Man-Made Heavenly Realms. When one does not do the best they can, and that is all that is required of them, then they find a need of their own decision to go to a place that can easily be described as a reviewing station and a re-evaluation of who they are and what they are. Then they must through those concepts that they have created in their earthly sojourn must work their way back into the material through the process of reincarnation. But if in living your life you have done the best you could with what you have, then you make yourself eligible for the God-Made Heavenly Realms. All decisions as to what state you will be in after leaving the physical manifestation or your earthly lives will be made by you and you alone. This Divine Essence does not judge you whether you are good or bad, whether you are kind or unkind. That judgment is left to you, because within each of you is a divine spark that contains the Christ Consciousness, and when you leave your physical body, you will then examine your entire life and you will decide whether you need more in the area of growth through the material manifestation or whether you have made yourself eligible to grow beyond and without a material form. If you choose to grow beyond and without the material form, you will find yourself in the God-Made Heavenly Realms.

"In that area which was originally created by the Divine, you have three basic levels of growth, the Spirit Level, the Angelic Level, and the Celestial Level. The Celestial Level can be easily compared to the portico that surrounds the House of the Divine. Now this is purely symbolic but it is something that you can relate to. It is just before you enter the Divine Presence.

"This Celestial Level is where we exist. Never in the history of mankind has this Level spoken to man. All sources of information in the past, at the present time, and in the future will come from the Man-Made Realms. In this God-Made Heavenly Realm our task is to act as a council, to give suggestions to your perplexing problems. We are not here to tell you what to do. We are not here to tell you how to live your life, but we are here to offer suggestions, to encourage you to use the god-given mind that you have, to use the god-given will, to think and to grow, to open yourself up so that the godly state that lies within the very core of your being can come out, for each of you have a speck or a spark of the Divine in them."

For more on William LePar and The Council visit