Friday, August 13, 2021

The Council’s Opening Message – Lily Dale

This message comes from William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, and was given at his Lily Dale, New York Trance.

The Council:  May the Peace and the Joy of the Infinite Father be upon you all, and may His Light shine down upon you and around you and within you.

Who are we? What is our purpose for being here? Why have we chosen to touch in with mankind in this manner? We come from what we have called the God-made Heavenly Realms. We reside in the Celestial Level. Our next step of advancement or growth allows us then to merge directly with the Godhead or the God-Force. We still maintain our unique identity, but in that total immergence with the Godhead, our personalities are magnified tenfold times ten. We have gone through the Man-made Heavenly Realms. We have reincarnated many times, but we have finally achieved success in our spiritual growth, thus we needed not to reincarnate again. This made us eligible then to enter into the God-made Heavenly Realm.

The God-Made Heavenly Realm was originally intended for your use, your spiritual growth, your reawakening to your true godly state. But over the eons of time those who did not accept their positions were given the ability to create whatever they so chose to create and along with creating the material manifestation, or your world, your universe, the cosmos, you also created an artificial heavenly realm. This was out of a need or a necessity because those souls who did not choose to utilize their maximum potential were forced then to constantly reappear in the physical dimension or manifestation that they created. In other words, they had to continue to relearn the lesson or attempt to relearn the lesson. Thus, this temporary way station or waiting place or place of re-evaluation of self is referred to as the Man-made Heavenly Realms. We have gone through that and finally achieved, as we said, the maximum spiritual potential we could achieve in a material form, thus making us eligible for what was originally intended for the creations of the Divine, the children of the Divine, and that is the God-made Heavenly Realms.

 This level of being or information, for we are in fact beings not just a source of information, has never before contacted the material manifestation. Upon the passing of this one, we will no longer speak to mankind. The purpose of this level in speaking to mankind at this time should be quite obvious to all of you. Not only are we attempting to reawaken the spiritual quality that you all have, we are also charged with trying to get you to begin to think for yourself. Rely on the Divine that lies within each one of you. Begin to appreciate the quality that the Divine has created in you. In other words, it is our purpose to attempt to get you to think and to get you to begin to love yourself. Your world is in the condition it is in because the souls or mankind has forgotten how to love himself, how to appreciate the god that he truly is. In the very beginning when those souls left the Divine Source to discover themselves through themselves, this Divine Presence or God issued forth an essence of form. That essence of form was for you. This essence of form is what you created all that exists from.

Monday, August 2, 2021

Many Souls Leaving Our World

 Many Souls Leaving Our World

William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, addresses conditions that we are experiencing in our world now.

Questioner:  My question regards all these souls that are passing away and all of these strifes that are happening around the world, deaths are happening in record numbers. What effect do all those souls who do not have a chance to develop, what effect do they have on the spiritual realm?

The Council:  If the opportunity to fulfill your full life has been taken away from you through no fault of your own, then all that you were to achieve in the original plan, and again remember the original spiritual plan for each lifetime is to achieve perfection in that lifetime through the means of happiness, joyful experience. If your life is unjustly taken away from you, regardless of what the reason is, and you are not responsible for that, then you are automatically credited with a successful achievement. In other words, if a dictator because of its policies or his policies takes away your life, upon your death then you enter into the God-Made Heavenly Realms. The reason being is that if you would have been able to fulfill that life plan someplace along the line you could have had a change of heart or consciousness and begin to develop spiritually to the point where you could enter into the God-Made Heavenly Realms. Regardless of how unlikely that may have been, you still achieve that status. This shows you the unconditional love that the Divine has for you. Does He interfere in your life plan and says to you that because your life was taken you succeed? No. You say that to yourself because God is in you. You are His rightful heir. Those individuals who because of their own actions have jeopardized their own life do so at the risk of failure in reaching their spiritual potential for that lifetime, particularly if that decision was made outside of the original life plan. It is basically saying, at one level or another, "I'd rather do this, be involved in that, than to complete the life plan I initially laid out for myself." Therefore, you become responsible. There are no rewards then or achievements for that individual.

For more on William LePar and The Council visit