Monday, September 2, 2024

Projecting Images of Pets Who Have Died

 In this interesting exchange between a researcher and William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, we learn about projecting a life force that has passed on.

Questioner:  My cat died the other day and yesterday while I was projecting I saw him sitting on the steps in front of the apartment. Now I had been thinking about doing him a favor by telling him to go on to wherever he was going. Do you think it would be better to have him keep his separate awareness?

The Council:  Did you love the animal?

Questioner:  Certainly.

The Council:  Well, then why not?  He can offer as much to you now as he did when he was alive.  Really once you have given that love to a pet you just do not put it back into non-existence and their true purpose is not to do anything further, but they are as a comfort.  Do you understand?

Questioner:  Yes.

The Council:  They are as a symbol of your love.  Now, you do not have that awareness now, but as you change your consciousness as, shall we say, you go through the death process then you will be able to truly appreciate your pet, because you will have a complete awareness of actually giving that energy force an existence.  Do you understand?

Questioner:  Yes.

The Council:  So by telling it to go on its way, you are telling it to go nowhere because it has nowhere to go.

Questioner:  That's nice.  Thank you.

The Council:  It is presently a form of energy, the same as any other pet that is within your presence now.  And as you have need for it, you can actually bring these into a manifestation, whether it would be the "material manifestation" or whether it would be strictly an inner manifestation.

For more on WIlliam LePar and The Council visit

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

The Love Vibration

The Council: “Much development and in fact the only development that an entity can fully make is in the ability to train and work with the physical.  And the easiest and quickest way is developing the attitude and the thought.  If you constantly keep on your mind your relationship and your responsibility to everybody and everything around you, you will soon be not only a channel for love, but you, will become a booster of that energy or that vibration.  You will add to it.  We will suggest for you specifically to begin to think in terms of service.  Think in terms of service to your fellowmen.  If one were to feel as though one's purpose was to be of service and in return through that service become more aware of the unity of man and God, great spiritual development can be expected.  The greatest growth that an entity can make is through his day-to-day existence, in the simple little things, in the establishment of a very firm attitude of his existence within the Grace or Love of his God and his existence with his fellow man.”

For more on William LePar and The Council visit

Friday, August 2, 2024

Prayers are Energy

 This is a beautiful thought from William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council.

 Questioner:  Prayers are energies, then?

 The Council:  That should be no surprise.  Everything is energy; everything

is energy.

 Questioner:  And prayers would be so filled with love energy?

 The Council:  Yes.  Very positive, very positive thing, prayer.

 Questioner:  I don't understand how that would work, how that could be such an aid, help?

 The Council:  Well, if you could understand what the existence is at this level, then it would not be hard at all, but just think of it as a ball of total love, positive, of God, of all the beautiful things, all the holy things; and as that ball hovers over you, you have the option to accept it and put it into your heart, and it helps you shine out.  It enters your body or your system or your soul or your spirit and radiates outward.  It acts as an amplifier when your, shall we say, batteries are down a little.  It brings new life, new hope, into you, new strength. It clears out the old fog and allows the Divine to speak with you; but since it is a part of your soul, since it is a part of God, you must remember that when you reach a level of being able to pray for others out of love, God is talking to you and He is using you as an instrument, He is flowing His energies through you into that prayer; and you are directing it to a specific person or a specific thing; and if those things or persons do not wish to accept it, then it goes to someone else who is needy; and it will go until it is accepted.  None of God's efforts are in vain.

For more on William LePar and The Council visit

Monday, July 22, 2024

Spirit of a Baby at Time of Conception

 Spirit of a Baby at Time of Conception

 In the answer to the question below, William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council gives us some reasons why the entity might not be present at the time of conception.

 Questioner:  You said earlier that it is entirely possible that the soul or spirit may be with the entity from the time of conception on.  Why would a spirit not be with it from the time of conception?  Or why would it come into the physical organism at a later date than conception?

 The Council:  There are a number of reasons why.  One reason is or could be depending on the situation, the entity that is, shall we say, overlooking the situation may not be sure that the lessons necessary for its growth will be there in that situation.  The mother and father may not have, shall we say, set firm conditions that that baby will eventually grow into or develop under, so you see there is the factor of free will there that must be considered in all three individuals, the father, the mother, and the prospective child.  In many cases and possibly we should add here in most cases, the conditions are set; the parents on a spiritual level have already firmed or committed themselves to those conditions necessary for that particular entity's growth.  In that case then the soul or spirit would immediately enter on the moment of conception.  Now, another factor you can take into consideration as a possibility in that is this: that a soul may occupy that embryo or that fetus for some time and then may decide for one reason or another to, shall we say, switch horses in mid-stream.  In that case then, there would be the opening for another entity to take that position over.


Monday, July 1, 2024

Help from the Spirit World – Part 3

William LePar’s spiritual source, gives us a little different view of health issues that people take on.

Questioner:  Thank you.  Is it possible for an individual in need to increase his receptivity and, if so, in what ways?

The Council:  Probably the strongest deterring factor in healing or in receiving a healing is that most individuals, believe this or not, enjoy their afflictions; it is a form of self-punishment; and also in many cases it is a form of attention-getter. There would be far more healings if there were not, shall we say, an enjoyment to it, to the sickness.  So, in order to increase your chances if you want to use those terms in receiving a healing, look at an ailment in this manner: that if it were removed, one would have a much fuller and happier life; one would not need a crutch to be the focal point of attention, but one could use one's full potential to justly, justly, receive attention, and we might say, and not at the cost of others. 

Questioner:  Yes, I would like to add here though that there are individuals who have some rather serious health problems who never mention their particular problem to any individual.

The Council:  This is not always good.  There is a time when one should share  problems with others.  There are some individuals who constantly talk about their sickness or their problem; then there are those who go the opposite.  If there is a physical problem, one should be willing to share it with others, not to the extent that ani individual becomes tired of hearing about it, but these are things that should not be kept to oneself.  First of all, if there is a true sickness or an ailment, those who are sick or ailing are deserving of extra attention, consideration, extra love, extra prayers; if one holds all this back, then they are depriving themselves of the additional help.  Do you understand?

Questioner:  Yes, I do.

The Council:  Plus, they may be depriving someone of the situation where they may offer their help.

Questioner:  I see, thank you very much.  That answers this series of questions.

The Council:  There is a point where a soul or an individual will complain about their ailment only to attract attention, but before that point is reached then one should not tire of hearing of those who are sick.  Sometimes sickness can bring great loneliness to the individual who is sick; it can be steeped in fear of what else will develop.  Those who are truly sick must have your consideration, your love, your interest.

Monday, June 17, 2024

The Blessed Souls of Heaven or True Geniuses - Part - 2

 Questioner: When you first described that group of souls, you made an exception of the world not being able to recognize a true genius. What does that mean or why that differentiation?       

The Council: Well, there are some entities who are pronounced retarded when in fact they are not retarded; they are so far advanced mentally that society cannot recognize a, how can we put it so that it will be, they do not conform to the mold. 

In other words, their mind, their thoughts, are progressing at a supersonic speed while the rest of you people are crawling like snails.

And their mind, the mental activity, goes at such a high rate of speed and is so creative that it does not deal properly with the physical body. 

And if this state of existence comes into play at the moment of conception, then the physical body itself may suffer as the fetus develops, and, of course, certain conditions then are set up where the metabolism may not be what it should be, body formation may not be as what it should be, it may not develop the way it should normally develop, consequently, those are repercussions that must be accepted.  Do you understand?  Or, let us say, those activities cause repercussions after the child is born and it would be entirely possible then that they may be deformed in some manner or another, the metabolism or body chemical functions may not be proper, thereby causing other problems, physical problems.  Do you understand?

Questioner: Yes, pretty much, I think I do.  If they are mentally so far ahead of the rest of us but they have trouble dealing with the physical, are they able to use their gift, their mental advancement, for lack of a better word, in the physical?

The Council: If some means of communication could be set up between the slow world and the high-speed world, yes.  Now, we use the term "slow world and high-speed world" not to stimulate your thoughts that something exists that you are not aware of.  We use that as a descriptive term based on our example just stated moments ago, snails and supersonic, what have you.  So, yes, if there were a means of communication between the two levels, although any malformation of the physical body that has already been created, that would not be able to be changed, and more than likely unless some, how can we put it, unless some avenue could be forged that would allow the genius to pay more attention to the physical body and its development, possibly or more than likely future malformations of the physical body or physical condition would still occur, unless, of course, as we said, some kind of avenue of communication could be set up.  But, then again, that is not a guarantee.  But some very creative and positive concepts could be derived from these individuals.  The best avenue of approach or, let us say, really the only avenue of approach would be being able to develop a computer link-up, because you certainly would not be able to digest that speed of thought in any other way.  The second avenue that would be even less likely would be mental communication.  Does that answer the question?

Questioner: Yes, except one more thing.  Why does this happen at all, that they have this ability but it is more or less that they cannot use it?

The Council: Oh, they do use it, they do use it very much.  Be thankful that these souls do come in.  You forget what we have said in the past. Thoughts, thoughts, thoughts.  These souls think just like you.  In fact, they think much more intensely and much more so. Their positive, constructive thoughts are being pumped out and more or less overwhelming and subduing the normal's less than creative thoughts or less than perfect thoughts that they are generating into creation.  So, these so-called "retarded" people who are actually mental giants are pumping out very positive and constructive thoughts to the physical plane into the realm of formation.

Questioner: So, we have those and then we have the really retarded who devote themselves to being avenues of service or avenues of the creation of brotherly love.  They are two distinct, different groups?

The Council: Yes.  So these souls come in to help you people, and when your little, shall we get very descriptive, your little "pea-sized" minds are pondering over something not much more valuable than your own personal desires, these advanced souls are pumping out energies and mental thoughts that are making up for your lack.  Now, of course, we are not speaking personally to anyone.

Questioner: That is very amazing.

The Council: Well, it only stands to make common sense.  How many times have we said over the years, the many, many, many years, that thoughts are things.  Some of you people say, "Oh, yes, that is a fact," but we can say that it is more verbiage to you than a real belief. Because if you truly believe such things, if you truly could see, then you would have figured something out along those lines long before the question was asked or before it ever came up.  The problem with the world today is that it is full of words and very little belief, and belief is verified by action.  What more can we say?  Words constitute nothing.  Action is proof.  It makes it so.

So, for all the "pea-sized" minds around, you have got to have a few geniuses and a few of the blessed souls to make up for the masses. Anything else?Questioner: Not from this "pea-sized" brain.

The Council: As we said before, we do not speak to the large group on a personal level, but if you choose to wear the shoes.  We are not in the business of unlacing shoes and removing them.

Audience: (Laughter!)

 Editor's note: This is a good example of The Council’s tongue-in-cheek sense of humor which is oftentimes a very dry sense of humor. Most of the time they are poking fun at themselves because they say it is the best kind of humor when one can laugh at themselves.

 I hope that all of you found this information of value.

For more about WIlliam LePar and The Council visit

The Blessed Souls of Heaven or True Geniuses - Part 1

 The Blessed Souls of Heaven or True Geniuses - Part 1

 The information contained here, hopefully, will give us all a new perspective on how our world operates and how advanced souls choose to demonstrate their love for us. 

 The Council: To use some traditional terms, so that there would be a better understanding, those individuals who are considered less than normal and particularly those individuals that are referred to as retarded, if, in fact, they truly are retarded and not just a lack of society's understanding or knowing how to recognize a true genius, if they truly are retarded, they are the blessed souls of heaven, and they truly are special entities.  And those of you who are fortunate to deal with such individuals or serve such individuals should feel very proud in a sense and yet maintain a certain humbleness in those entities' presence.  Now, we are not talking about worshipping or anything like that.  But you are definitely dealing with very evolved souls, in most cases, again. But the safest outlook is that all of them are extremely high entities or high souls.

Why do they exist or why do they come in?  It is a very uncomfortable life for that particular entity because they have very little control over their future.  All control and care is left in the hands of others, so they are truly subject to the wills and whims of those who are around them.  It is their choice to undergo such a state of existence to give the rest of society an opportunity to grow and to show their capabilities of love. And according to one's ability to show his capability of love also shows the quality of soul that that individual is. They come in for the world's benefit, not for their own.

Questioner: When you first described that group of souls, you made an exception of the world not being able to recognize a true genius. What does that mean or why that differentiation?    

Part two will answer the question.

For more on William LePar and The Council visit   

Help from the Spirit World – Part 2

The answer that William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, gives to the questioner is insightful on many levels.

Questioner: That raises a question in my mind, sometimes when we are engaged in and practicing spiritual healing we may feel as though we are actually receiving energies from the person who is acting as a healer and other times we may feel as though we had not received any energy from the person who is acting as a healer.  Can we be receiving healing energy even though we are not consciously aware of that fact?

The Council:  Yes.

Questioner:  And then if we feel as though we are receiving healing energy, does it necessarily follow that we are?

The Council:  You are receiving some form of energy.  Whether it is the one that will trigger the healing or not is another question.  It may be sustaining the condition to this extent that it does not get worse, but may not be utilized to bring an actual cure.  Also, there may be other depletions in the physical container that the individual is not aware of that could be receiving a healing.  It could be also as a source of energy, both physical energy, the type where you feel peppier, or it could be a healing or source of energy that would give the soul greater strength or determination or act as a comfort at a soul level.  Do you understand?

Questioner:  Yes, I do.

The Council:  Never reject any form of healing or effort to be healed.  We retract the "never reject any form of healing"; but efforts of those who wish to attempt a healing on you, do not reject it because it may be the very thing that is beneficial to both people involved or souls involved.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Help from the Spirit World - Part 1

 This is the first of a four-part series on help from the spirit world. William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, explains.

Questioner:  This person who was a member of the medical profession and is present in the spirit world, can he work directly on an individual who is in the physical manifestation?

The Council:  Yes.  There need not be a go-between, or there need not be an intermediary channel.  You see, once you are in the spirit, you have very little restrictions, if we may put it that way.  Why healers are necessary?  That relates to the material manifestation much more than it would relate, as far as the need, to those in the spiritual.  In other words, say we would choose to do physical healing, we would not need one of you to act as a channel, we could do it without any help, but in our love for you, to give you an opportunity to demonstrate your godliness, we may choose to use one of you as a healer.  Do you see?

Questioner:  Yes.

The Council:  Also, it may be a need of your soul to have such an experience; so it is more for the material manifestation's need and growth than it is for those in the spiritual realms.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

The Virgin Mary

As the questioner mentions, many of us wondered why Mary had to remain a virgin. Here, The Council, William LePar’s tells us.

 Questioner:  I would like to ask a question, and I am sure that there are others who would ask the same question because we have so little knowledge of Mary.  Why was it necessary that she remain a virgin after the birth of Jesus?

The Council:  That can be quite an involved answer.  To put it as simply as is possible, there is a certain dignity brought to the material through the birth of Jesus Christ.  In other words, as God takes a humanly form, then this gives a dignity to humanity, to human life, that had not been there before.  Mary, the Mother of Heaven, the Pearl of God, is not, shall we say, an entity or a soul such as us or you; in other words, she did not fall from the Graces of the Divine; she did not accept the challenge as we have and as you have.  Do you understand?

 Questioner:  Yes, I do.

 The Council:  Consequently, then her making entrance into the material was a total giving up of herself for the Divine Will of God.  Shall we say, an unnecessary acceptance of a crudeness or a density.  Even in this, because of her godliness and her love for her Maker, she would bring a glorification to that physical body that made it such that to produce flesh from that body would not be possible.  It becomes a very involved situation in explaining the purpose of creation.  One must also take into account the fact that reproduction as man now knows it, co-creating with God as man now knows it, was never intended to be such, but a soul or an entity or a being can create within themselves when in perfect balance, and in the birth of Jesus Christ through Mary, then that soul took the feminine aspect while the Divine Spirit took the male aspect and created then a physical body for the Lord Jesus Christ.  Now, the soul or the being that created the physical body of Mary was and is perfected.  There was no need for that soul to enter a physical manifestation and since that soul could create in cooperation with Divine Spirit, the Divine, the Godhead, then it could not be contaminated by the physical creation or cycle of creation.  Do you understand that?

 Questioner:  Yes.

The Council:  Now this is not to degrade a husband and wife creating or procreating.  This is an honor and a privilege that has been given to you.  This is your way of manifesting and creating like gods, but it is, shall we say, a very small degree of creation, where the soul Mary did not deserve the physical body because of her perfection and did not need a physical body and did not need another soul to create with in order to make a combined action.  Do you understand this?

 This is all tied in with the masculine and feminine aspects and the creations as we have talked before.  So you have a perfected soul then co-creating as you do but instead of with a, shall we say, imperfect soul, Mary co-created with The Perfected Soul or The Perfected Being and that is God.  In so doing then she could not touch physical creation.  Now to answer why she could not touch physical creation can become extremely involved and would end up in more confusion.

For more on William LePar and The Council visit 

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Can the Soul Enter the Body after Birth?

 Can the Soul Enter the Body after Birth?  

In this Q & A William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, tells us about the soul’s activity at the time of birth.

 Questioner:  Does the soul or spirit sometimes enter the body after birth?

 The Council:  There are some who would say, yes, that a soul can hover over a physical tool for quite some time.  In one respect this is true, but in another respect it is not true.  There is such a thing as complete control of the physical tool or body and an incomplete control.  Now there are rare, and we repeat again, RARE occasions when a soul does not have complete control of the small body.  In this case then one could say that the soul does not fully enter the physical tool or the physical body for some time after birth.

 Questioner:  I was under the impression that is what kept the physical alive, the soul or the spirit.

 The Council:  It does; it gives it the life; but there is a chemical action involved in the process of the physical body.  You see, it is all very natural.  Do you understand?  This element combined with that element creates a chemical reaction and that chemical reaction can trigger an electrical impulse; now that electrical impulse can also then be responsible for causing two chemicals, shall we say, or two elements to unite that would not normally unite and create another electrical impulse; so there is a degree of life in a physical body without a soul.  Now it would be wise not to pursue that particular line of information since it becomes an extremely complicated situation in that it opens the avenue for such things as possession and what have you.

For more about William LePar and The Council visit

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Hyperkinetic Children

The information given here by William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, will be of value to all of us.

Questioner:  Regarding hyperkinetic children, would you give us any information as to general causes for this?  Anything that would be of help on a general basis to the public?

 The Council:  We have more or less given you the answer to the problem.  This comes from an extreme sensitivity to, shall we say, those things that are not natural in the line of food; and although we must acknowledge that at times medication is necessary as a temporary solution, the actual problem is not eliminated with the medication; but such situations can be overcome by a very close eye on the diet.  All those foods that are not natural and pure and clean will cause problems.  It is a complicated system of allergies to unnatural things, and we might say that the unnatural things are toxins, actually, and so with an extremely sensitive system these toxins have the effects of keeping the child on an unnatural high, so to speak.  So if one were to eliminate those things that are not clean, those things that have been very processed, you would see a marked change in a child.

For more on William LePar and The Council visit

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Healing – It begins in the physical – Part 2

 This is a continuation of the previous posting by William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council.

The Council:  If healing has been achieved at the soul level and is to be achieved in the physical itself, then those steps, those occurrences, will transpire according to the situation or the soul's plan, through its association with others in the material manifestation, thus when the proper sequence of events transpire, the left hemisphere unlocks the healing forces.  There are times such as in truly miraculous healings or instantaneous healings, those that are complete and true healings, the left hemisphere is overridden by the right hemisphere of the physical brain.  These again are all determined by the need of the soul who must or is to have a healing and those who must relate to the situation.  It is the spiritual aspects of the entity itself that decides to work in this manner, and therefore has created a physical container with organs that function for specific reasons, such as the brain proper itself.  All things in God's Creation go according to the natural plans of the material manifestation or to the natural laws of the material manifestation; it is a delicate merging and blending of great beauty if one can see the intricate workings of each other, the material and the spiritual; it is a great spiritual concert or symphony.  Far too often man fails to see the beauty of life, whether it be the spiritual life or the material life.  All that you see in the material is a reflection of the spiritual, whether it be the universal condition of the world or whether it be the universal condition of the individual soul.  As we said though in some cases there are souls that decide to endure what some would refer to as unpleasant conditions only to give others the opportunity to demonstrate their godliness. 

For more on William LePar and The Council visit 

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Healing – It begins in the physical – Part 1

William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, gives us a very interesting explanation of how healings occur.

Questioner:  Is the healing by the healer in the spirit world the restoring of harmony in the energy fields of the individual's body or is the healing in the mind of the individual which then manifests in the body?

The Council:  It is truly a combination of both.  Those that participate together, shall we say, or those who cooperate together from either side of the veil work through, how shall we put it, a very precise or a very structured pattern or chain of occurrences.  First, one must realize that healing or whatever cannot be achieved in the physical until first it is accomplished in the spiritual; yet there are many who have achieved healings in the spiritual that will not manifest in the physical for, shall we say, other reasons that may not directly at all times relate to those individuals who, shall we say, appear to need the healing.  The chain of events or the structure by which healings transpire or occur from the spiritual to the physical might be interesting to some.  If one looks upon the physical container as nothing more than a receiver of the soul's attitudes and actions and efforts to achieve a greater relationship between it and its Creator, then one must understand a little clearer how that receiver works.  Look at the organ that you refer to as the brain.  Do you have a personality or a consciousness because of the brain, the organ itself?  Or does that organ construct or demonstrate a personality because of the soul?

The brain itself as with the physical container is nothing more than an empty shell that reacts to the stimulus given to it by the soul proper, that soul that is maintaining the physical.  The soul in spiritual concepts and in those things that deal with healings must come into the physical through the right side of the brain. It is the right hemisphere of the brain that is the channel or the connection with the soul.  Now this is not to say that the soul is separated from the physical container, floating in some etheric segment or space and transmitting a signal to the right hemisphere of the brain.  The soul is in fact a very intricate part of what you look at or understand or conceive or perceive as a physical container.  The soul concentrates its effort or its action in a space, and in that space then you observe what you understand as a body.  The soul then, saying it has achieved a healing for some physical problem transmits that healing through the right hemisphere of the brain.  The right hemisphere must override the left hemisphere which is, shall we say, more earthy, more logical, more formal.  If the left hemisphere cannot logically perceive a purpose or a course of healing, then at times it restricts the healing from manifesting in the physical container.  Again, this is influenced at times by cause and effect or karma.  It also can be influenced by the conditions of the situation that the physical container finds itself in, the surroundings.  If it is necessary to receive a triggering mechanism for the healing to manifest in the physical container, then the left hemisphere of the brain must wait for that trigger or that mechanism, not in the sense that it absolutely must wait, but in the sense that it is geared to rational experiences.  

For more on William LePar and The Council visit

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Guardian Angels

Many people have questions about guardian angels. William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council provides us some detailed information about these protectors and guides.

Questioner:  We … had some questions about guardian angels.  Can guardian angels be souls who have crossed over or are they actual angels?

The Council:  They can be souls who have crossed over and they can be actual angels.  It is, shall we say, mistaken identity when one seems to think that all guardian angels are angels period, but many entities, loved ones, and even those that you may never have met in your material manifestation can assist you and help to protect you or guide you.  These are entities much like yourself only they are on the other side.  So, a guardian angel does not necessarily mean that it is an angel per se.  Remember, the meaning of the word "angel" and that should give you the definition.

Questioner:  Are there certain qualifications for guardian angels?

The Council:  Qualifications on a personal level.  Does the entity feel as though they can help you?  And if the answer is yes, then they can be a guardian angel or what you assume a guardian angel is.

Questioner:  Can any angel be a guardian angel?

The Council:  Yes.  It is determined by your personal relationship with those angels that serve you in your higher state of existence or in a more divine state of existence.

Questioner:  Is there a difference between what they call a "spirit guide" and a guardian angel?

The Council:  No, that is basically man's terminology, but they can be the same thing.