In the answer to the question below, William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council gives us some reasons why the entity might not be present at the time of conception.
Questioner: You said earlier that it is entirely possible that the soul or spirit may be with the entity from the time of conception on. Why would a spirit not be with it from the time of conception? Or why would it come into the physical organism at a later date than conception?
The Council: There are a number of reasons why. One reason is or could be depending on the situation, the entity that is, shall we say, overlooking the situation may not be sure that the lessons necessary for its growth will be there in that situation. The mother and father may not have, shall we say, set firm conditions that that baby will eventually grow into or develop under, so you see there is the factor of free will there that must be considered in all three individuals, the father, the mother, and the prospective child. In many cases and possibly we should add here in most cases, the conditions are set; the parents on a spiritual level have already firmed or committed themselves to those conditions necessary for that particular entity's growth. In that case then the soul or spirit would immediately enter on the moment of conception. Now, another factor you can take into consideration as a possibility in that is this: that a soul may occupy that embryo or that fetus for some time and then may decide for one reason or another to, shall we say, switch horses in mid-stream. In that case then, there would be the opening for another entity to take that position over.
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