Monday, June 17, 2024

Help from the Spirit World – Part 2

The answer that William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, gives to the questioner is insightful on many levels.

Questioner: That raises a question in my mind, sometimes when we are engaged in and practicing spiritual healing we may feel as though we are actually receiving energies from the person who is acting as a healer and other times we may feel as though we had not received any energy from the person who is acting as a healer.  Can we be receiving healing energy even though we are not consciously aware of that fact?

The Council:  Yes.

Questioner:  And then if we feel as though we are receiving healing energy, does it necessarily follow that we are?

The Council:  You are receiving some form of energy.  Whether it is the one that will trigger the healing or not is another question.  It may be sustaining the condition to this extent that it does not get worse, but may not be utilized to bring an actual cure.  Also, there may be other depletions in the physical container that the individual is not aware of that could be receiving a healing.  It could be also as a source of energy, both physical energy, the type where you feel peppier, or it could be a healing or source of energy that would give the soul greater strength or determination or act as a comfort at a soul level.  Do you understand?

Questioner:  Yes, I do.

The Council:  Never reject any form of healing or effort to be healed.  We retract the "never reject any form of healing"; but efforts of those who wish to attempt a healing on you, do not reject it because it may be the very thing that is beneficial to both people involved or souls involved.

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