Sunday, June 2, 2024

Help from the Spirit World - Part 1

 This is the first of a four-part series on help from the spirit world. William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, explains.

Questioner:  This person who was a member of the medical profession and is present in the spirit world, can he work directly on an individual who is in the physical manifestation?

The Council:  Yes.  There need not be a go-between, or there need not be an intermediary channel.  You see, once you are in the spirit, you have very little restrictions, if we may put it that way.  Why healers are necessary?  That relates to the material manifestation much more than it would relate, as far as the need, to those in the spiritual.  In other words, say we would choose to do physical healing, we would not need one of you to act as a channel, we could do it without any help, but in our love for you, to give you an opportunity to demonstrate your godliness, we may choose to use one of you as a healer.  Do you see?

Questioner:  Yes.

The Council:  Also, it may be a need of your soul to have such an experience; so it is more for the material manifestation's need and growth than it is for those in the spiritual realms.

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