Monday, July 1, 2024

Help from the Spirit World – Part 3

William LePar’s spiritual source, gives us a little different view of health issues that people take on.

Questioner:  Thank you.  Is it possible for an individual in need to increase his receptivity and, if so, in what ways?

The Council:  Probably the strongest deterring factor in healing or in receiving a healing is that most individuals, believe this or not, enjoy their afflictions; it is a form of self-punishment; and also in many cases it is a form of attention-getter. There would be far more healings if there were not, shall we say, an enjoyment to it, to the sickness.  So, in order to increase your chances if you want to use those terms in receiving a healing, look at an ailment in this manner: that if it were removed, one would have a much fuller and happier life; one would not need a crutch to be the focal point of attention, but one could use one's full potential to justly, justly, receive attention, and we might say, and not at the cost of others. 

Questioner:  Yes, I would like to add here though that there are individuals who have some rather serious health problems who never mention their particular problem to any individual.

The Council:  This is not always good.  There is a time when one should share  problems with others.  There are some individuals who constantly talk about their sickness or their problem; then there are those who go the opposite.  If there is a physical problem, one should be willing to share it with others, not to the extent that ani individual becomes tired of hearing about it, but these are things that should not be kept to oneself.  First of all, if there is a true sickness or an ailment, those who are sick or ailing are deserving of extra attention, consideration, extra love, extra prayers; if one holds all this back, then they are depriving themselves of the additional help.  Do you understand?

Questioner:  Yes, I do.

The Council:  Plus, they may be depriving someone of the situation where they may offer their help.

Questioner:  I see, thank you very much.  That answers this series of questions.

The Council:  There is a point where a soul or an individual will complain about their ailment only to attract attention, but before that point is reached then one should not tire of hearing of those who are sick.  Sometimes sickness can bring great loneliness to the individual who is sick; it can be steeped in fear of what else will develop.  Those who are truly sick must have your consideration, your love, your interest.

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