Friday, July 18, 2014

Healing Part 1 - What Actually Takes Place.

This posting begins a series on healing. This quote from William LePar's spiritual source, The Council gives us some important information about what is needed from the healer. We must always keep in mind that in some situations the soul that is being healed does not wish a physical healing. There can be many reasons for this. The initial reason for the illness may be for those around the person who is ill, to help them in their spiritual growth.

Questioner: My question concerns the area of healing. In our condition of existence an individual opens himself as a channel for the flow of creative energy for the person to be healed. I would like to know what actually takes place in the unseen by those who assist us in this process?

The Council: It is a very simple process; so simple that man finds it very hard to cope with, and that is the sincere desire to be used as a channel, that is on the healer's part first. When the healer has enough belief in himself, then he becomes a healer. Then those energies can flow through him, whether they be from the Divine Source Himself or from those who are, shall we say, schooling on the other side. Now the problem that is the greatest of stumbling blocks is the one that is to be healed. Healing cannot come to an individual unless that individual so chooses it. Regardless of what the words may be from that individual, the healing must be desired from the soul or from the spirit. So it is simply on the healer's part the sincere desire to be used. Along with this, the healer must have the faith that this will take place. If the healer has the least bit of hesitancy, then the healer blocks that natural flow. A doubt in one's ability causes a friction or a static where these finer vibrations are, shall we say, prevented from flowing.

Most healings do not take place because one or the other has doubt. The other reason, unfortunately, for healings not taking place is that the supposed healer is not really a healer at all. Each individual has its abilities: some for healing, some for other things; and there are those individuals who are attracted to healing because of the self-glorification that it can bring them; so consequently, these are not true healers.

Friday, July 4, 2014

The Council Tells us a Secret

Even though William LePar's spiritual source, The Council, comes from a level of spirituality where they no longer have names or professions. However, they have great compassion for those of us who still occupy physical bodies. In this posting The Council gives insight into how they left the physical world on a permanent basis.

Questioner: Thank you, Council. The members of The Council, the twelve souls that you are, when you walked the earth plane, such as we do today, what path did you take to achieve the necessary spiritual awareness so that you no longer needed to reincarnate? And were you doctors, lawyers, and so on?

The Council: We are the same soul quality, the same creation that each of you are. As we said, we once had physical bodies, we once had lives. We did all the things that we should not do, and eventually we learned to do all the things that we should do. Were we doctors, were we lawyers, were we this or that? We were all things at one time or another. Did we just come into the material form once and then achieve some great illumination and pass on into the God-Made Heavenly Realms? No. We learned by the trials of the fire, just as you are learning. What path did we take? Well, we all tried many paths. We tried the easiest paths possible or at least we thought they were the easiest paths, until one day, one episode, one life, each of us as individuals stumbled upon the secret: You can only receive what you have given. At that point we realized that if we wanted the love that we needed for our own recognition of our godhead, we had to give it. And so that was our point of turning. That was the cleansing fire, that was the transmutation, and you might say that was the spiritual resurrection of ourselves. Does that answer the question?

Questioner: Well, just one more. Thank you, Council. Do you all stay the same or do you go on and change or does someone go on and then another soul come in? Does The Council constantly stay the same?

The Council: No, The Council constantly evolves. The Council is a forum for those of us who have reached this level of awareness, of godliness, to be able to give one demonstration, one final demonstration, to man in his darkest hour of need. During one communication all twelve can be renewed or changed. In one communication it is possible that only one would be replaced. In a communication, those twelve that originally started may stay till the very end. It is the need of the individual. It is the desire to reach the final state of existence, and that is the total mergence with the Godhead, still maintaining your own unique identity, still with your own knowing, your own awareness, nothing lost only glorified and magnified a million times over.

For more on William LePar and The Council visit