Thursday, December 24, 2015

A Christmas Message for 2015

A Holiday Message from William LePar's spiritual source, The Council.
The Council: We hope that all of you realize that just as you give gifts on the birthday of our Lord, you can give far greater gifts every day of the year through a loving smile. May you always allow our Lord and God be ever-present in your day's activities. May you and your family and friends have a very joyous holiday, and may the coming year be a year of greater happiness and greater joy. 

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Ways to Show Spiritual Courage

In this interchange between a questioner and William LePar's spiritual source, The Council, we learn about spiritual bravery.

Questioner: Council, you gave the example of running into a building and giving up your life to save somebody. Isn't there a lot more realistic ways to give your life for somebody, just like taking care of somebody for their life or something like that?

The Council: Well, certainly, certainly. That is another badge of bravery. We gave that as an extreme, but it is an extreme. There are many ways of giving your life for someone else. Dedication to another individual. When you make a commitment to an individual, you are basically giving your life up for them. So, there are all forms of bravery. Two people who are in love and make an honest commitment, they are giving up their individuality to serve the other one. Both should be doing the same thing. There that takes great bravery, great bravery. Especially in your world today when there is so much darkness of self-indulgence. Does that answer the question?

Questioner: Are you saying, someone like that would be brave because they are giving up their self-indulgences?

The Council: They are giving up their life which means they have already given up their self-indulgences. Certain things have to come in order. You have to be willing to give up your indulgent life, that puts you in a position where you understand your value as an individual, therefore you are able to give up yourself in benefit for someone else. You see the order?

Questioner: Yes, definitely.

The Council: So, there is an order in spiritual evolution, if we might use that term and do not take it literally, "spiritual evolution." You are already spiritual, it is just a question of are you going to exercise it or not. If not, you are going to lose it. It is that simple. We cannot say that the soul is like man's ridiculous concept of his physical being evolving from monkeys to whatever.

For more on William LePar and The Council visit

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Loving Yourself - A Test

In this presentation William LePar's spiritual source, The Council, how to know that you love yourself in a godly manner.

Questioner: How do you know if you love yourself? How do you know that you truly love yourself and it is not your ego talking?

The Council: Well, what do you do in life for others? That is a good yardstick of measurement. What is your attitude as you are doing them, these things for others? Understanding there are times when you must be a care giver or a provider that you get disgusted, you think that you are not appreciated. Well, when you begin to feel as though you are not appreciated, then you better take a second look at your feelings inside. Why should you be appreciated for doing good for someone else? That is your privilege, your honor. You should do it with humbleness. You should be grateful. Every time you are responsible for an action that is spiritually beneficial to another individual, that in itself should be all that you need. There are times in doing and giving, you do get tired, you do get disgusted. This is understandable, but if this hangs on too long and begins to cause you to question whether you should continue giving or doing, then you must reexamine yourself because you have not reached the point where you truly love yourself. Again, periods of time where one gets disgusted, even feels like throwing their hands up and walking away, these are all natural emotions and can be expected in a variety of situations. But the person who really loves themselves in a godly way continues through these periods of darkness or trepidation or whatever you choose to call it, and comes out on the other side still carrying the torch of achievement. They have not cowered in the corner as a coward would do.

The one factor that very few times do we talk about and very little is understood. Bad karma has to be worked off and dissipated. Good karma is always with you. This one has said whatever good karma you create is yours forever, for eternity, but most important for everlasting. You cannot use it up, you cannot wear it out, you cannot diminish it. It is always going to be with you. That is why we have said with each lifetime you have enough good karma to accomplish whatever need be accomplished in that given lifetime. Every good deed you do with love is good karma that you are creating. Good karma is the kind of karma you cannot see, you cannot touch, you cannot feel. It is a strength and a conviction that you have. It is the basis of the love that you demonstrate to others.

For more on William LePar and The Council visit

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Attitude is the Key

 William LePar's spiritual source, The Council, give us the key to success in this life and the next.

The Council: Many times, what we say about your society is not pleasant to hear. With some of you it creates a little fear. Do not allow fear to govern your life because you are going to miss all the joy that you are able to have. Enjoy the good that is in you, enjoy the good in your life. Do what good you can do in life. You are not going to change the world, but you can change yourself, and that is what is important. Be happy with what you have because you have all the opportunities to eliminate another reincarnation. You have all the opportunities to shut this door of schooling down so that you can begin to truly evolve on the other side in the God-made  heavenly realms. We invite you to be with us. What more can we do? Recognize darkness, recognize evil, recognize negativity, or whatever you choose to call it, but do not be a part of it. You know what is right, and you know what is wrong. Do that which is right, and you will be guaranteed success. Have the right attitude in everything you do. Then you will reap the benefits of those actions in more ways than one. In so many ways you will not be able to count. After it is all said and done, you are going to realize that it is nothing more than an attitude. And all of you at some given point in time on the other side will say, why didn't I just change my attitude? Well, we cannot give you the answer to that. Only you have that answer. We are telling you now, it is your attitude that will make you or break you. Be happy that you have a loving Father and that you are an exact mirror or copy of Him. The potential you have to love and care is so great that in your wildest imagination, you cannot begin to realize how much power you have. We hope that you understand that you are very valuable to your Divine Father, that He loves you so much that He will respect any of your decisions even when you break His Heart, He will sit silently by and wait for you. He wants you with Him because you want to be with Him, as much as He wants you in His Arms.

For more on William LePar and The Council visit

Sunday, October 18, 2015

The Ego can be a Problem

This is an interesting quote from William LePar's spiritual source, The Council, because it shows how the ego can control some people. They offer some very good insight for all of us in the last couple of lines.

Questioner: Council, what you are saying, if I understand correctly, the ego would much rather have a good time and indulge itself than to ever really set itself aside and enjoy the act of giving?

The Council: That is right. The ego allows an individual to feel sorry for themselves, to see what they do not have, what they want and they do not have. It blinds them to what they do have, the opportunities they have. It is a willful blindness, it is a willful blindness, and it is so sad because the irony of it is many times those people do things that could help them eliminate their karma but they are so self-indulgent that they cannot see that. So they do things as an obligation and not from the heart. There is a saying that goes this way: All things serve the Lord. How true, how true, how true. The last joke and the biggest is on those kinds of people. Our heart goes out to them because they are so blind. If they would only listen to what we have said. It is so sad. But if that type of individual, those kinds of people were to ever open their eyes and look at the reality of life, they can make tremendous strides ahead, where some of you and like many of us took small baby steps, those kinds of individuals can take giant steps forwards because they can be filled with a new enthusiasm, a new joy of self-discovery. We would like to say to each one of those individuals look beyond the present time and don't be satisfied with hand-me-downs and second-bests, they will never be as good as what you could have had.

One added comment to what we said. There is nothing more important in life than those you love and those that are family, even extended families, for therein lies the seed of your resurrections.

For more on William LePar and The Council visit 

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Forgiveness Where There is No Forgiveness

In this quote from William LePar's spiritual source, The Council, they explain how to deal with a situation where you have attempted to make amends for a wrong that you have committed but the other party does not wish to give forgiveness to you.

Questioner: The subject of forgiveness. If you have wronged someone and you have made reparations for it, your wrong to that person, and that person has not forgiven you, are you still held to that, even though you have forgiven yourself?

The Council: If you in total honesty and truthfulness have made restitution to that person to the best of your ability, without, again, there are some situations where a person who has been wronged will never feel they have had enough restitution made to them.

But if you have justly made restitution to that individual and they refuse to forgive you, that is their problem, not yours. You must be concerned with how honest were you in making your restitution. How much did you try sincerely to make reparations for?

You have got to remember, you would have had to first forgive yourself in order to be able to say you did wrong and then try to make restitution for it. Again, we are talking about true, sincere restitution, not a superficial act, that is pacifying and only pacifying. 

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Seeing the Goodness in People

Here we have William LePar's spiritual source, The Council, telling us how to treat people we meet.

Questioner: William LePar said that spiritually successful people can look at anybody and see some goodness in them. And sometimes you look at somebody and you know in your mind that you are both made by the same Creator, but beyond that there is nothing to see.

The Council: Well, if you can see that, that is a start. There are some individuals it is very hard to see any good in them. There are some individuals other than just knowing that they were made by the same Creator that made you is the best you can do. From that point on it is positive thinking or hopeful thinking. Do you understand?

Questioner: Yes, kind of.

The Council: Sometimes it is necessary to give a person the benefit of the doubt. Sometimes it requires a number of times, but the thing you must remember is when you give a person like that the benefit of the doubt, you may be surprised one of these times they may prove that they were worthy of your benefit of the doubt. There are some people that just takes a little longer to get started. Then, of course, there are always those that will never get started. With those, move on.

For more on William LePar and The Council visit

Friday, September 4, 2015

Works verses Faith

The following discussion between a SOL researcher and William LePar's spiritual source, The Council, answers an interesting question: What is more important having faith or doing good works as a method of growing spiritually?

Questioner: This sort of skirts that faith versus works issue that a lot of churches debate. Can you have faith without works? Are you saved by faith or are you saved by works?

The Council: Oh, we hear a lot of religious rhetoric.

Questioner: Well, we just saw the movie "Luther."

The Council: If you have faith, you are going to have works. If you have works, you eventually will have faith. Are we dodging your question?

Questioner: No.

The Council: One cannot go without the other. One cannot be without the other. It is just a question of which is going to come first with the individual. It is like changing yourself. As it was mentioned earlier, garbage in, garbage out. Good in, good out. If you do not have faith, doing things of a goodly nature will stimulate that faith. Having faith will stimulate good deeds. You cannot have one without the other. It is just a question which will manifest first with an individual. Does that answer the question?

Questioner: Yes, it just makes me wonder why religious people have been arguing about this off and on for hundreds of years?

The Council: Well, that is one of the problems with man and his interpretation of God. He refuses to bring himself up to God's level. He constantly wants to drag God down to his level. Make God in man's image. That is impossible. That is impossible. When you do that, then you have mass murders in the name of God, which is a gross offense to Him, a gross offense. What makes the difference what you call your God? As long as you recognize that there is a Divine Presence and you have been conceived and given birth by that Divine Presence, period, end of discussion. No need for anything else. It is insignificant, immaterial, what you call the Father of your essence. You can call Him anything you choose. You can say He looks like anything you choose. It is not important. What is important is that you realize that all of you, all of us on this side, recognize only one Divine Presence. Of course, we have the benefit of not having a body, so we really do not see each other in terms of a figure, so to speak, or a carcass or container, so to speak. We see the love and the quality of that love, which in itself has a very defined body, not to your understanding, unfortunately, unfortunately. 

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Actions Speak Louder than Words

In this discussion between a researcher  and William LePar's spiritual source, The Council, they explain that our actions can demonstrate to others what we believe more so that talk.

Questioner: Back to this idea of bravery and standing up for what you believe in. When there are beliefs that you hold strongly and everybody else around you does not, but you can see that they would be beneficial if the other people did, does that come with time when you know when it is right to speak out about it or are you committing a sin of omission by not speaking out about it?

The Council: Sometimes we speak louder simply by our actions. The strongest voice you could have is your actions. Sometimes the weakest voice is talking about it. Let your life be your voice. Let your life be your example. Others will see. They will probably choose your advice much quicker by seeing you live it than by you talking to them about it. Of course, if they ask you a question, naturally you will give them an answer. You see?

Questioner: The truth, you will give them the truth.

The Council: Yes, of course.

Questioner: I was just wondering because there have been a couple times when Bill has said don't bring yourself any unnecessary grief about mentioning some things to other people. Say, for example, my pastor at church.

The Council: That is true. Why create yourself any unnecessary problems? Live your life. You do not have to tell people what your beliefs are. Live them. They will see it, but they will see it in a way that they can understand. Words sometimes can be confrontational.

If you live what you profess to believe, you eliminate the sermons, thereby eliminating the misunderstanding or the offensive words because of ignorance on the part of some people. 

Friday, August 7, 2015

Ice Age of the Heart - Part 2

This is the second part of a discussion between SOL's research group and William LePar's spiritual source, The Council, where they talk about developing a more loving attitude towards family, friends and acquaintances.

Questioner: You were talking about the heart and how cold we are with the heart. OK, so if we want to change. How do we develop good attitudes to start opening up our heart?

The Council: Take advantage of what is around you. If someone loves you, return that love and more, in any way that is necessary. Seek out to make your partner happy. Seek out to make your mate happy. Seek out to make your family happy.

One other remark to what we have just said. Do not always rely on the person you are giving this love to to be totally honest with you in regards to your shortcomings. You may think you are giving enough love, and you may ask that person, "Are you happy?" And in order to be kind, they may say yes when there is great pain still there. Keep that in mind. Make sure the love you give is a love of quality, and we might add, to insure your profitable return, not only quality but quantity. Very well.

Questioner: And this just does not apply to like a spouse or family but in everyday life?

The Council: It applies to anything and everything. We addressed it specifically to interacting with another individual, but it is a principle that can be applied to all, all relationships.

Questioner: So, for example, when you continue to be kind, as another word for loving, to someone say at work and they just continually hurt you or don't return it or just nasty. How do you keep it up?

The Council: Well, if someone is just a sour apple, you try to sweeten it a little. In a case, in a situation like that, if they are not willing to accept the sweetness, then take your energies some place else and allow them to indulge themselves in their own negativity. Now there is a situation with individuals that you work [with] or casual acquaintances where yes, make an effort, but do not allow those people who are negative to draw you into their own negativity by occupying all your energy and time so that you cannot give it to others that will benefit from it. Let them stew in their own sour grapes after you have offered to help, to give.

All you can do is offer charity, we are using "charity" now in the strictest of Biblical senses which incorporates all the forms of love, not charity as far as necessarily as just giving to the poor. Be charitable to all individuals, but those who do not appreciate that charity, then shake the dust from your sandals and move on. Sometimes that is the best you can do. Possibly in the future they may remember that kindness and seek it out again.

Questioner: Council, you said you should try to seek out or seek making your loved ones happy. Is there an order to that, an order of responsibility? For instance, me, my mother would be the first order and then on down the line. Is that the way you should approach it?

The Council: In all life there is an order, there is an avenue by which you must travel, that which is most important to what is least important.

One has to decide priorities and hope that their decision is appropriate or correct. Those who truly love and in your case, as an example, those who would truly love you will understand the order. Do you understand?

Questioner: Right. So, if I had to tend to somebody else's needs first, the other person, who also loves me, should understand, if I am doing it right, the order of responsibility?

The Council: That is right. You see, it is a matter of loving and then loving in return. It is giving both sides. Those who love, the ones that are giving them love, must understand that there is a priority in life, and if they truly love the one that loves them, then they understand this priority and will encourage that priority. Unless the priority is the individual who is to encourage, then that individual should step aside as an additional act of love, allowing that individual then to give more freely in other areas. Is that clear?

Questioner: Would that be like an example of parents letting their child go out into the world when they really don't want to, they want to protect them, but they kind of push them out into the world because they know it is better for them or they know they have to learn?

The Council: Yes. That does not mean that your parents love you any the less. They are giving you your freedom, and that is the same with loving. If the person who is priority on your list to love, if they willfully step out of that position, it is an additional act of love on their part. Not a rejection. There a dilemma may rise up. What do you do? Well, if you are lucky enough to be in a situation like that, you will be in a situation to love more than just one priority. So you cannot lose when you are dealing with love.

For more on William LePar and The Council visit

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Ice Age of the Heart - Part 1

To begin this two-part series we have the following opening statement by William LePar's spiritual source, The Council, talking about the state of the world in general. I think that most of us are loving and caring people who would quickly reach out to others in need. However, all of us know people who would not. The Council is pointing out how they and we can grow even greater in our loving relationships.

The Council: We will start with an opening statement.

Mankind, at this present time, exists in an ice age of the heart. We will repeat that. An ice age of the heart. In your world today, there are the users and the used. The common denominator with this lifestyle is loneliness, again, the common denominator is loneliness. Man has not learned that his only source of happiness is in his ability to love. There is no loneliness when one chooses to love, and if you have been blessed with a love or a great love, where loneliness does not exist within you, you are experiencing the best and most perfect of loves. Be ever grateful, be ever grateful. Be sure that you are giving as much as you are receiving. Be sure that if your loneliness has been taken away by the one you love, make sure that that individual also is absent of loneliness. This necessitates then you loving more than what you are presently giving. How sad man will exist in this ice age of the heart. The terrain will become more hazardous, more dangerous, and darkness will become even darker. This will continue to those who refuse to love, their hearts will be frozen to the point where it cannot be thawed out. They will choose everlasting state of the ice age of the heart. Those who venture forth from this dark, bleak time and begin to give of themselves will rise above that into spring meadows and warm sunshine. They will resurrect themselves above the coldness of man's world. They will be reborn into the springtime of eternity.

Questioner: Why would a person choose not to love?

The Council: That befuddles us. We should be asking man or mankind why he chooses not to love. The reasons are as numbered as there are individuals. There is no real answer to that question other than selfishness which then creates loneliness which then creates desolation of the soul. Does that answer the question?

Questioner: Yes. Now it is a conscious choice, right?

The Council: Well, whenever one does something unloving, it is a conscious choice at one level or another or at many levels. Some people are nasty, being so, fully conscious. Others are nasty because there are underpinnings that surface in the conscious mind that make them react unkindly or unlovingly towards a given situation. And that occurs because they have not put in those things that raise the spirit. Do you understand?

Questioner: You said that we didn't put in the things that helped the spirit. Are you saying like garbage in, garbage out?

The Council: Very accurate. Very accurate. You can only be, you can only reach, you can only see what you have put in to yourself. Do you understand that?

Questioner: Yeah, but even then we are still quite capable of blocking that, even all the good that comes in?

The Council: Put enough of it in, and you will succeed. If you think that you can put so much in and you still do things that should not be done, then you have not put enough goodness in. You have not pushed yourself enough. You have not eaten of the banquet set before you. You have chosen to eat artificial food that looks as good as the banquet, but gives no sustenance to the soul.

For more on William LePar and The Council visit

Helping those in Need Part 4

We are repeating the closing portion of the previous posting so that we can complete the discussion of Helping those in Need.

Questioner: Yes. Fix your own plumbing.

The Council: The question is: Why doesn't the plumber do that?

Questioner: Because it is easier to ignore your own plumbing and glorify yourself by fixing other people's plumbing.

Questioner: He is out after the almighty dollar, that's why.

The Council: Think about what YOU people have said. You see, you truly do have the answers. Possibly, once in awhile, some of you may need your knowledge jarred a little. We told you in the beginning, there is no secret. This Divine Creator loves you so deeply and so personally that nothing is hidden from you. Consequently, we cannot tell you a secret, since they do not exist. The best that we can do is try to get you to think, to remember, and to re-evaluate yourselves. Very well. Does that answer the question sufficiently?

Questioner: Yes, it does, for me.

Questioner: Do I understand it right then in the understanding that through your own thoughts and acts of love that you come to realize in your Subconscious that you are a child of God? Is that the way to understanding that?

The Council: Yes. Yes. A very simple answer to the problem, isn't it? Start performing acts of love; start accepting people as they are; and make that a lifestyle; make it a lifestyle. Oh, it is true, there are times that you will have to force yourself to be loving, to be accepting, to do things that are considered charitable or loving. That is not what is important. What is important is that you make it a practice, and as you practice it more and more, you begin to develop that consciousness within the Subconscious, and the more that consciousness is developed, the easier the higher you can reach across that crevasse and touch the conscious you, and once that point, that contact, is made you have come to the end of your journey and your rewards are laid before you.

Questioner: When you made the statement, "the poor and starving are means to the common man's success," are you talking about spiritual success?

The Council: Yes. We hardly would advocate the sorrows and pain of others for financial success of anyone.

Questioner: No, I thought perhaps that you might be referring to that because of man's drive for power is what causes the poor and starving masses. I just wanted to clarify that that is what you were talking about.

The Council: The problem is there are two quests in life, two quests in life: the quest of love and the quest of power. You cannot quest for both. They are the opposite ends of the pole, and one destroys the other. Ultimately, one will win and that is absolute. We feel that it would only be wise to go with the winning side. There are poor in the world, there will be poor in the world, but this is the avenue for the common man to grow spiritually, not at the expense of the poor, but at his own expense. It is an expense that he should joyfully accept. And we are not necessarily talking about financial expense either.

For more on William LePar and The Council see

Helping those in Need Part 3

Questioner: First of all, I want to ask if you could tell us why, you say this general condition exists where on the whole mankind has no godly love for himself, why? How did this come about?

The Council: How did it come about? Why does man constantly choose to look into the shadow that he casts from the Light? Why does he choose to look in that direction? Why does he not choose to turn around and look in the direction of the Light? Do you understand what we are saying?

Questioner: I understand the symbolism. As to why, I am not sure.

The Council: It is the nature of man, again, it is the nature of man. The nature of man chooses to see what he can create on his own, instead of choosing to create according to the Will of the Ultimate Creator, the Divine Creator. Instead of joining in with the orchestra, he chooses to play a solo. Unfortunately, he cannot read the musical score. Do you understand?

Questioner: Yes. And this leads to an inner dislike for yourself at a higher level?

The Council: Certainly, when you cannot accomplish what you choose to accomplish, then you begin to undermine your own confidence. If there were a simple answer to the situation, we would be more than happy to give it to you, but you are talking about an evolvement of a condition from the beginning of time, from your beginning, and it is not quite so simple even if you could draw a line and point to a particular direction. Each of you are unique individuals and you have walked your own path, so to speak. You have your own unique reason for disliking yourself, and one cannot say it is just one reason why you dislike yourself. It is an accumulation of lifetime after lifetime after lifetime of experiences, we will be kind in using that term, experiences. Do you see?

Questioner: Yes.

The Council: Now, if, if you can ever bring yourself up to the point, now, not just consciously, you cannot just positive think your way into correction, it takes that as the initial effort but it also takes a real belief deep down inside. Positive thinking is an attitude of affirmation, but you must allow that to go deep inside; you must allow that to go deep inside. So, one can say, "Yes, I am a child of God; I am a god; I do love because I love myself; I respect myself; I am good." You can say that consciously and you must say that consciously, but you must also drive that deep enough within the Subconscious Mind so that the Subconscious area is totally acceptant of that fact. And the Subconscious is not stupid. It may be neutral to some extent, but it is also very wise. It is a tester; it is a challenger. It is your battlefield of Armageddon. So what you must do at a soul level, you know that you are good, you know that you are made in the likeness of God, you may know that at a conscious level because you have heard it, what you then must do is drive that into the Subconscious level. So one of the ways that man evolves spiritually is to bring a certain conscious awareness to his mind and then work to bring that same awareness effectively into the Subconscious so that all activities of the Subconscious then is colored by that fact or governed by that fact, but in order to do this you must be able then to do loving things, not only physically but mentally. You must be able to think in terms of love, and when we use the term "love" we are talking about an unconditional love, a brotherly love, a love that is not restricted with judgment. Do you understand?

Questioner: Yes.

The Council: Now, some people may assume, "Well, if the real problem or the real hurdle is the Subconscious Mind, simple application of hypnosis should be able to make the job easier." Well, superficially, certainly, certainly, for a time, but even after that the real corrector or the real effector will be what you actually do with your own conscious mind and activities. Do you understand?

Questioner: Yes. Fix your own plumbing.

The Council: The question is: Why doesn't the plumber do that?

Friday, June 12, 2015

Helping those in Need Part 2

Questioner: In some of the distant countries it would appear that poverty is so general that even that would not be possible.

The Council: True, as things are now. But can you imagine if those countries who are not so blessed were to take care of their own and then rally together and take care of those who need much more help? Do you understand?

Questioner: Okay.

The Council: There is an awareness and there is a condition that exists by man's nature, by man's nature, mind you: A plumber is truly the one whose house needs plumbing work done. A carpenter, his home truly needs carpentry work done. An electrician, his home truly needs electrical work done. Do you understand what we are saying?

Questioner: Yes.

The Council: If you understand the reason why such an aspect exists, if you can see why this condition of human nature exists, then you will see the answer to all there is. It is the key to a heaven on earth, yet it is not so impossible or so hard to see or to fathom. A moment's contemplation, a moment's thought, surely should give one the answer as to why it is the plumber's house who needs the plumbing work done. Yet, in most cases, it rarely gets done. If you understand why such a condition exists, why it is the nature of man to allow such a condition to exist, and then once you have that understanding correct the situation, you have perfection or the accomplishment of heaven on earth within your grasp. Does that answer the question sufficiently?

Questioner: Thank you.

Next posting - Helping those in Need Part 3

For more on William LePar and The Council see

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Helping those in Need Part 1

This begins a four-part series on how we should pursue efforts to help those in need and why such conditions exist.

Questioner In today's world with communication being what it is, we are aware of literally millions and millions of persons in need and it is difficult to know at what point we jump in because your own resources are not anywhere near what it would take to help every one of them.

The Council: If an individual truly wishes to add to creation, add to the world, improve THE world, then it would be only wise to start first with themselves and their immediate situation. The first essential aspect of each of you is that you must learn to appreciate yourselves, now we are not speaking from an egotistical standpoint. The biggest problem with the world today is that the individuals, the souls, each of you, do not love yourself, you do not respect yourself. If you do not love yourself, you cannot love anything or anyone else, and that is the real problem that lies within creation today. You have lost respect for yourselves. Now, again, we are not talking about an egotistical love. We are talking about a true godly love for yourselves. The opposite would be an egotistical love, and that is the manifestation of the world today. An egotistical love is a destructive love.

Now, back to the point in question. An individual cannot help the world problem; he cannot conquer the problems of the world; but yet he can start a condition of evolvement in the world by simply concentrating on his own immediate situation or position in life. Your world, your country today, seems to want to take care of the problems of the world, the starving of the world. Why can it not concentrate on the starving in their own country first? An individual certainly should have a conscious factor, an awareness factor of the starving and poor of the world. An individual should be aware of that, should have a desire to help, and in some measure should help. But how much more productive and how much more can be accomplished if that individual were to focus in his own life or in the situation that he finds himself, his family, his friends, his neighbors, his community? Take care of your own little world. Help those that need help in your own sphere of existence, and if each person were to do that there would be no need for world-wide help. Do you understand what we are saying?

For more on William LePar and The Council see

Saturday, May 9, 2015

An Opening Message from The Council

I thought this was a good example of an opening statement from William LePar's spiritual source, The Council. It normally sets the stage for the Research Group's questioning period which is normally one to one and a half hours then The Council gives their closing message. That was the general format for all trances. The Research Group consisted of 25 to 30 people from all walks of life who were delving into all aspects of spirituality.

The Council: Once again, we are privileged to serve you. Once again, we have the opportunity to demonstrate our love for each of you as spiritual brothers and sisters. Once again, we ask that you use your God-given mind, that you think, and that you accept only what you can accept at this time, but that which you cannot accept, do not throw away but simply set aside. What you believe today may be different tomorrow. Each of you are in the process of evolving, and as one evolves, one begins to accept more and more of what one originally ran away from.

As the spiritual cycle continues, the ultimate in acceptance will become more clear and more simple. The problem with man is that he attempts to hide from his rightful place and from his God, his Father, through a smokescreen of complicated theories and religious practices and self-indulgent concepts. But the faster he runs, and the further he runs, the more he runs into the ultimate to what he cannot escape.

You were created to assist the Divine Father to share and to be a part of what lies beyond what you have created. It is a destiny that is almost inescapable, but since you were created in the likeness of this Divine Father, you will ultimately have the choice of rejoining Him or separating yourself from that Divine Source. One joy, one hope, that each of you may cling to is that in order to separate yourself from that Divine Source you will have to work harder at that than you will have to work at rejoining Him, re-uniting yourself more completely with Him. All things will eventually return to its place of origin. All things will ultimately return to that Divine Source. Run as you may; most likely you will end up running back to your rightful place. Why take the long way around? Open yourself up to that Creator and shorten your path. Very well. We are ready [for questions].

For more on William LePar and The Council visit

Friday, April 24, 2015

The Simple Way to Perfection

The Council: The last time we spoke to you, we mentioned of a simple way of ending all this trial that each of you undergo and it was not until later on in the experience that someone was brave enough to ask what that simple way was, but the time had passed and the simplicity could not be given that directly. Well, the time has arrived again, and we shall not wait for the bravery of one soul but we will give it to you very simply. When you can raise your will to the Will of God, to your Creator, you will have succeeded and overcome and accomplished. When you start to look at yourself as the personal ambassador of that Divine God, that you personally have been chosen by Him to administer His Love to each person that you come into contact with, you will have achieved perfection. It is that simple. When your will is the Will of God. And the Will of God, is it something complicated? Is it something hidden? Is it something mysterious? No, no. It is this: That you should be your brother's keeper. The same old thing repeated over and over and over and over from the beginning of time. Love someone unconditionally, and you are doing the Will of God. Accept someone just as they are. Pass no judgment and you are fulfilling the Will of God.

There are some people who have a life that is not easy. It can be filled with much stress, much sickness, much disappointment, much abuse, but that is no indication as to whether they are a godly soul or something less. There are many souls who have a life that is far less than desirable, but they have that life, that style, that situation, because it is their way of loving each of you. So, pass no judgment, and no judgment shall be passed on you. And remember, when it comes to judgment, you are your own judge, because within you, in your higher self, all that is honest and good, all that is right, and all that is wrong, lies within you, and you will judge yourself, and you will be a far more severe judge on your activities than any outside judge could ever be. In fact, as we have said before, there are times when those who have evolved beyond your state, whatever state that may be at the time when you pass judgment on yourself, must at times moderate your own judgment. 

Friday, April 10, 2015

Reducing the Risk of Cancer

In the next quote from the trances of William LePar's spiritual source, The Council, we are given information on reducing the risk of cancer and add a little more information on reducing cholesterol.

The Council: Now, take it lightly, snicker at our words, and it will not work for you. At least it will not work as well, let us put it that way, it will work. In fact, well, while we are in the mood for giving such information, we might as well go all the way. You want to eliminate cancer. If you choose to protect yourself from cancer, now this is to protect yourself from cancer. Eat all the foods that you can that come from what you understand as the cabbage family. If you are wise, you will look up in your botanical books what family the cabbage comes from. Anything from that family will help to control the potentials of cancer in your body. The average person eating three almonds a day will also assist in preventing cancer or at least giving you a higher guard against it. Such things as cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, all those products from the cabbage family, kohlrabi. Combine that with natural vitamin Cs and Es, should be quite helpful in keeping you in good health, as far as cancer goes. Now, it is not an absolute guarantee that you will not have cancer, but if you are a borderline case as far as what you have chosen as your destiny, it will help to prevent that. If you should get it, it should be easier to deal with. Now, this depends a lot on your own karmic personal situation.

If you also would like to add an additional factor to the cholesterol problem, dried beans cooked as a portion a day. Your everyday soup bean or what have you, a portion of that, two portions of oats, and an apple should help a great deal. Now, of course, you must also reduce your cholesterol intake. If you reduce your cholesterol intake, and we are talking about just not so-so, reduce it as much as is possible, eat these three foods that we have told you about, it will help to begin to eliminate the plaque that has built up on the interior of the veins or the arteries and what have you. Do you understand?

Questioner: Yes.

The Council: So, two portions of oats, a portion of dried beans, and an apple. Now, those should all be cooked of course. The apple can be substituted for the equivalent amount in applesauce, if you prefer that.

Questioner: Do you mean that the apples are to be cooked?

The Council: No, if you choose to eat applesauce in place of an apple. There are some people with dentures who have problems eating apples; they can eat applesauce in place of the apple. 

Friday, March 27, 2015

Reducing Cholesterol and Triglycerides

In the next series of quotes from the trances of William LePar's spiritual source, The Council, we are given information on reducing cholesterol and triglycerides. Also reducing the risk of cancer.

The Council: There are ways of cleaning out the system of cholesterol that
would save many heart conditions from getting worse or from even occurring. You will not come by that because there is no profit in it. If you do not get sick, how are they going to make any money?

Questioner: Would you care to share some of those ways? Or is that privileged information?

The Council: We would be more than happy to, unfortunately, it is not in your future to experience. Although try eating an apple a day, try eating two servings of oatmeal a day. Eat an apple a day or two. Eat two portions of oatmeal a day. And this will help to eliminate the cholesterol in your system. And if you think it is funny, if you think it is a joke, then forget it. If you use this, these two food items, and you also help yourself by cutting down on the known foods that add cholesterol to your system, if you bring that under control, those two food products will begin to eliminate the excessive cholesterol that exists in the system. Continue it and control the intake of cholesterol, and you will not have a cholesterol problem. If you eliminate the cholesterol then, your chances of a heart problem are diminished, greatly we might add.

Now, these two food products will not work at maximum efficiency in your body if you insist on eating greasy food that you know is not healthy for you. Do you understand?

Questioner: Yes.

The Council: If a doctor says to you, reduce your cholesterol intake in order to save your heart, then fine, reduce it. But to your diet add two portions of oatmeal and at least an apple a day, and you will find that the cholesterol level will begin to decrease.

Questioner: Will this help triglyceride level as well?

The Council: Yes, because triglyceride and cholesterol level go hand in hand, whether you know it or not. But you cannot eat two portions of oats and an apple and then go out and eat food that would be high in cholesterol. You could not eat greasy food, high in animal fat. By reducing the cholesterol level through dietary means or what have you, you will be able to decrease the cholesterol intake, but the actual cholesterol in the arteries cannot be decreased. The oats and the apple will help to eliminate this plaque or what have you on the linings of the arteries. Do you understand?

Questioner: Yes.

In the next posting The Council they will give information on helping us prevent cancer.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Synthetic Verses Natural Vitamin

In this quote from William LePar's spiritual source, The Council they address the problem with synthetic vitamins.

The Council: You take these artificial vitamins, although they may be
identical in their construction, they are not. When truly viewed, you will soon realize that there is a degree of reversal to them at the base of construction.

Questioner: What is the problem with the reversal of the molecules of the
synthetic vitamins?

The Council: You have answered your own question. It is unnatural. It is
contrary to what is consistent in the physical body. If you try to mesh together a helical that runs in a clockwise direction, you try to mesh that with a helical that runs in a counterclockwise direction, what do you have?

Questioner: A mess.

The Council: Right. You have it grating against each other. Well, the
synthetic construction is far more durable than the natural construction, consequently, it will grind away the natural construction. Now, if you can figure out what we are talking about, you will have a full understanding why we say natural vitamins are much more beneficial.

Next posting - Reducing Cholesterol and Triglycerides

For more on William LePar and The Council see

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

A Way to Perfection

In this quote William LePar's spiritual source, The Council, uses the first commandment to show how following it can lead us to perfection.

The Council: To achieve the maximum in any lifetime, what you must do is totally accept that first Commandment, and that is, respect yourself enough so as not to have a false god within you. If you can respect yourself and respect your God, if you could look upon yourself as a true reflection in quality not quantity, but in quality, then you would realize that this would be your actual last reincarnation. You would more than likely, when you left that lifetime, would more than likely move directly into the Angelic Level [of The God-made Heavenly Realms].

So the key to perfection is respecting yourself enough so as not to separate yourself from that Divine Source through an artificial god. It can also be boiled down into something as simple as being wise enough to realize that if you live your life as a god, you will reach perfection.

The Fall of Man came from the fact that he decided he could do it his way, and that his way would be better or at least achieve the same as the Divine's Way; he immediately found out that that was not the case. If you apply the principles of God or attempt to apply the principles of God to your everyday action, you can rest assured that this will be your last needed lifetime. So the simple answer is, respect yourself as a god and respect the God that you know. Conduct yourself in such a way so that you would be proud to stand in His sight. Conduct yourself in such a way so as to be able to say that you did the best you could. Now, again, these are all based on your own inner honesty, not what you say with your mouth but what your heart says.

Once you have achieved that, which is very simple, then you will have eliminated karma for yourself, you will have eliminated any additional lifetimes necessary, you will more than likely have moved at that particular transition or crossing or death experience, you will more than likely have moved directly into the Angelic Level. It is all that simple. It was simple 50,000 years ago. It is simple today. In fact, it is a little simpler today, because all you are asked to accomplish today is the sincere desire to do. Fifty thousand years ago, you had to do it. That is the simple answer. Keep that recognition that the Divine Way is the only way. Simple enough?

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Husbands and Fathers

William LePar's spiritual source, The Council offers advice to husbands and fathers.

The Council: In respects to creating a relationship or assuming the responsibility of a relationship between you and your family, you must take into consideration that at times a good father is a strong disciplinarian. Children lean heavily on parents, and parents should be strong for their children. The problem with the world today and this is in a general sense is that most parents are weak, mushy, formless forms of existence. They say no and yet they do nothing to strengthen that no. A good parent will say no and that is no. Since children lean strongly on their parents, and it is necessary then for the parents to be strong, strong enough to support those children, then when a parent says this is the limit, then that parent must be strong enough to prove to that child that that is the limit.

In relationship to a spouse, a husband should be willing to share with a wife. He is not her king; he is her provider, and he is her caretaker. He also must share with her. If a husband can tend to the needs of his spouse, if he can be willing to support her and yet allow her to express herself, if he can back her and be faithful to her, then his relationship can do nothing but evolve to a much more healthier and productive relationship, one that is steeped in genuine happiness. But a husband must give to his wife what he would like to have returned. A husband is the seed planter in a family. The wife takes that seed and brings it to full fruit. Just as a man and a woman unite to provide a ground or a foundation for another entity to experience a growth cycle, so must a husband and wife unite to produce a period or situation of
growth for both of them, so that their love will evolve to a more fulfilling expression for each. The problem with too many husbands who would normally fall in the realm of being a good husband is they are far too domineering, and it is because it is a sense of insecurity. No husband can hang on to his position or his wife if he is domineering, so it is futile attitude. If he looks at his wife as a fully productive individual, equal to him, then he and she will bind themselves together much more deeply than if he attempts to hold her to him.

Next posting - A Way to Perfection

For more on William LePar and The Council visit

Friday, January 23, 2015

Developing a Closer Relationship to Our God

In this quote from William LePar's spiritual source, The Council, they explain how we can develop a closer relationship with our God. In this quote, for those of the Christian belief system they mention Jesus. The Council has always recognized the other major belief systems. In this case they are speaking to an audience that is Christian so they speak in terms that those in attendance can relate to. The Council refers to all major belief systems as offering those in that system the best opportunity for their spiritual growth.

The Council: At first, it might be advisable to ask yourself what kind of relationship do you want and do you expect with your Creator. The closer you are to your Creator, the more intimate a relationship you have with Him and the more subtle it is, the more you are apt to view others as part of your own family. You begin to develop a greater relationship with your God by developing a greater sensitivity to those around you. In this process then you become plagued with many questions, many concerns, many crossroads of "Well, is this right or is that right? Should I do this or should I not do that?" And at times, it takes a great deal of effort and honesty to look beyond just the simple question, "Is this right? or is that wrong?" and see what it truly serves.

Right and wrong. There are definite rights and wrongs, let us put it this way, but you become more aware of those rights and wrongs in relationship to your understanding of them and regardless of how you may consciously be aware of what is right and what is wrong, it is still that inner understanding, and that inner understanding then is increased as the relationship between you and God increases. The greatest bridge between you and your actual Infinite Father is Christ. The attitudes that Jesus demonstrated should be attitudes that you make an honest or an earnest effort in achieving or developing. To have too great of an expectation for yourself, in other words having the attitude of "I will be able to do this and I will be able to do that and I will do this and I will do that" sometimes is a sign of egotism, which is a horrendous stumbling block in all spiritual growth. The attitude is that I will try, but if I fail, I will get up and try again because success in spirituality is determined by two things and that is, when one fails, he gets back up and starts over again, and that he is willing to realize that in some areas his true success and true accomplishment lies in always being able to get back up and start over again. To be truthful to yourself is important, to realize that there are things that you will be able to accomplish, but there are things that you will not be able to accomplish. Be willing to subdue the destructive, self-serving ego and many times this is hidden in self-righteous attitudes that individuals show. Subdue that, control it, and allow the more productive self-esteem to come to the surface and govern your life, self-respect. So if you can control the ego and allow the self-esteem, the self-respect, to come to the surface, to be willing to accept that when you fall in an effort, you must pick yourself back up and start over or start from wherever point you are. Those are the two elements of true spiritual growth. To give you a simple line of direction to follow is not our right to do. We have given you guidelines.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Learning Begins at the Moment of Conception

William LePar's spiritual source, The Council gave us a large amount of information about the mind and the processing that goes on in all the different levels of our being. This is one of their comments on how we learn from the moment of conception.

The Council: The foundations that a baby, you must remember that a child does not begin to learn at the moment of birth. A child begins to learn at the moment of conception. Now, grant you that we have said that there are times when there is not a spirit entity in the fetus, and this can vary, you know what we are talking about, but as a general rule, assuming that there is a spirit entity at the moment of conception and on through birth, that entity is formulating right from the moment of conception. In the very early years of a baby, from the moment of birth, now even though the learning process has begun from the moment of conception, it is viewed entirely different, it is viewed from an individual point of experience once the child is born. As it is in the mother's womb, its experiences are viewed in relationship or in close relationship with the mother. In other words, the mother is cradling the child so what it learns while it is in the womb is learned in a very secure atmosphere. Once the child is born, then it is learning on its own and from exterior experiences. Its mode of learning while in the womb is naturally learning on its own but also not from exterior experiences but learned from exterior and interior experiences. Now, this may be hard to understand because you, in your presently conscious mind cannot conceive existing in the womb unless you were to have regression to that point and allowed to recall that, but it is an entirely different perception of learning.