To begin this two-part series we have the following opening
statement by William LePar's spiritual source, The Council, talking about the
state of the world in general. I think that most of us are loving and caring
people who would quickly reach out to others in need. However, all of us know
people who would not. The Council is pointing out how they and we can grow even
greater in our loving relationships.
The Council: We will start with an opening statement.
Mankind, at this present time, exists in an ice age of the
heart. We will repeat that. An ice age of the heart. In your world today, there
are the users and the used. The common denominator with this lifestyle is
loneliness, again, the common denominator is loneliness. Man has not learned
that his only source of happiness is in his ability to love. There is no
loneliness when one chooses to love, and if you have been blessed with a love
or a great love, where loneliness does not exist within you, you are
experiencing the best and most perfect of loves. Be ever grateful, be ever
grateful. Be sure that you are giving as much as you are receiving. Be sure
that if your loneliness has been taken away by the one you love, make sure that
that individual also is absent of loneliness. This necessitates then you loving
more than what you are presently giving. How sad man will exist in this ice age
of the heart. The terrain will become more hazardous, more dangerous, and
darkness will become even darker. This will continue to those who refuse to
love, their hearts will be frozen to the point where it cannot be thawed out.
They will choose everlasting state of the ice age of the heart. Those who
venture forth from this dark, bleak time and begin to give of themselves will
rise above that into spring meadows and warm sunshine. They will resurrect
themselves above the coldness of man's world. They will be reborn into the
springtime of eternity.
Questioner: Why would a person choose not to love?
The Council: That befuddles us. We should be asking man or
mankind why he chooses not to love. The reasons are as numbered as there are
individuals. There is no real answer to that question other than selfishness
which then creates loneliness which then creates desolation of the soul. Does
that answer the question?
Questioner: Yes. Now it is a conscious choice, right?
The Council: Well, whenever one does something unloving, it
is a conscious choice at one level or another or at many levels. Some people
are nasty, being so, fully conscious. Others are nasty because there are
underpinnings that surface in the conscious mind that make them react unkindly
or unlovingly towards a given situation. And that occurs because they have not
put in those things that raise the spirit. Do you understand?
Questioner: You said that we didn't put in the things that
helped the spirit. Are you saying like garbage in, garbage out?
The Council: Very accurate. Very accurate. You can only be,
you can only reach, you can only see what you have put in to yourself. Do you
understand that?
Questioner: Yeah, but even then we are still quite capable
of blocking that, even all the good that comes in?
The Council: Put enough of it in, and you will succeed. If
you think that you can put so much in and you still do things that should not
be done, then you have not put enough goodness in. You have not pushed yourself
enough. You have not eaten of the banquet set before you. You have chosen to
eat artificial food that looks as good as the banquet, but gives no sustenance
to the soul.
For more on William LePar and The Council visit