Can we be so muddle-headed, really, so muddle-headed that we are destroying everything around us that supports our very existence? That’s been the warning for a very long time about mankind’s abuse of the physical environment.
The battle, so to speak, rages on. Some victories for the environment, after so many defeats – yet the powers that be continue the assault against common sense and sanity, so the environment that sustains us is still at grave risk.
Actually, there is really only one power that threatens our very existence: Greed. To get geekish about it, we could compare greed to the “One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them. One ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.” (Kudos to JRR Tolkein.)
The Council, the union of souls who conversed with physical man through the catatonic trance states of William Allen LePar, boiled down mankind’s woes to that one cause. Greed. Without much reflection, anyone with an ounce of sense can see that it is true. No matter the symptom, the disease is greed. However, it is critical to remember that, just like the old saying about charity, greed begins at home. We do not just have a physical environment to care for, to nurture, so that we may live. We have a spiritual environment as well, and it is the damage to that environment, due to the disease in that environment, that manifests across the board, in all aspects of our lives.
The spiritual environment for all begins with the spiritual environment of the self. The more effectively that we care for, and nurture the environment of self, the better off the world. The less selfish, the less greedy, we make ourselves, the better off the world. And there is no such thing as a small improvement, a small contribution, to the spiritual health of the self and of the world. Every bit of improvement is another spiritual candle lit against the darkness.
All this may seem like ponderous pontification to get to one precise point. But here is that one point, illuminated by comments from The Council: Mankind’s legalization of recreational marijuana is a deadly mistake.
While The Council provided much insight to benefit the physical aspects of life, their target was and is the spiritual growth and survival of all. The physical is brief; it will end. The spiritual is forever, and how the soul experiences forever is determined by how the soul utilizes the physical.
At a LePar/Council trance session, a questioner asked if the recreational use of drugs in moderation was acceptable. The Council’s response:
“As we have said before, it is totally unacceptable. Any drug used for anything other than medical purposes is out of the question, and to change your laws to accept such an activity is causing a karmic situation that will backfire in all of your faces in the future, as it is beginning to do so now. So, although some of you may approve of such activities, at a spiritual level they are completely out of the question. If the truth were known about many of your problems or drugs today, none of you would take them in any way, shape, or form.”
That question and response was from 1985!
The emphasis was added, although no emphasis of anything said by The Council should be necessary. As previously mentioned, their goal was and is to help us comprehend our spiritual reality so that we may escape the clutches of that “One Ring” – greed.