According to historians, Mary’s last days were spent in Ephesus, but no remains have ever been found. William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, explains why.
Questioner: Did Mary die a physical death?
The Council: No, how could she?
Questioner: Well, I don't know.
The Council: A clarification on that. She did die, but she also ascended. There are no physical remains. You see, what you must take into consideration with the Blessed Mother is that she was born without sin. The Bible states that she was born without original sin, which means she did not succumb to the temptations of the adversaries, so that she had no purpose or she had no, shall we say, commitment to enter the physical. She had no need to enter the physical other than that of service to her Father, to God. Although she is considered the Mother of God and the Queen of Heaven, you have to consider a dual role for the Mother of God and, that is, she is also a son of the Godhead, yet a Mother to the Godhead. It becomes extremely involved. One may attempt to explain the situation this way. There is more to come as far as your understanding of heaven goes and all that lies within. It is recognized now that you have God the Father and God the Son. Very well. God the Father in His own Being is androgynous, but just as you have God the Father, you must also have a God the Mother, which Mary fulfills then. So although both are androgynous, one is subservient to the other, in that the feminine, that one recognized as Mary would be subservient to God the Father. It becomes extremely involved and complicated. The Queen of Heaven is not equal to the Father of Heaven.
Editor's note: Some of us have visited the site where her home was supposed to be. The story that we were told was that she was buried in a cave a short distance from her house but when people visited the cave later, there was no body, only lilies around the place where she was laid.
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