Tuesday, March 4, 2025

The Virgin Mary

 With the Lenten Season upon us, we thought that this would be a good time to present this dialogue to you. As the questioner mentions, many of us wondered why Mary had to remain a virgin. Here, the Council, William LePar’s tells us.

 Questioner:  I would like to ask a question, and I am sure that there are others who would ask the same question because we have so little knowledge of Mary.  Why was it necessary that she remain a virgin after the birth of Jesus?

The Council:  That can be quite an involved answer.  To put it as simply as is possible, there is a certain dignity brought to the material through the birth of Jesus Christ.  In other words, as God takes a humanly form, then this gives a dignity to humanity, to human life, that had not been there before.  Mary, the Mother of Heaven, the Pearl of God, is not, shall we say, an entity or a soul such as us or you; in other words, she did not fall from the Graces of the Divine; she did not accept the challenge as we have and as you have.  Do you understand?

Questioner:  Yes, I do.

 The Council:  Consequently, then her making entrance into the material was a total giving up of herself for the Divine Will of God.  Shall we say, an unnecessary acceptance of a crudeness or a density.  Even in this, because of her godliness and her love for her Maker, she would bring a glorification to that physical body that made it such that to produce flesh from that body would not be possible.  It becomes a very involved situation in explaining the purpose of creation.  One must also take into account the fact that reproduction as man now knows it, co-creating with God as man now knows it, was never intended to be such, but a soul or an entity or a being can create within themselves when in perfect balance, and in the birth of Jesus Christ through Mary, then that soul took the feminine aspect while the Divine Spirit took the male aspect and created then a physical body for the Lord Jesus Christ.  Now, the soul or the being that created the physical body of Mary was and is perfected.  There was no need for that soul to enter a physical manifestation and since that soul could create in cooperation with Divine Spirit, the Divine, the Godhead, then it could not be contaminated by the physical creation or cycle of creation.  Do you understand that?

 Questioner:  Yes.

The Council:  Now this is not to degrade a husband and wife creating or procreating.  This is an honor and a privilege that has been given to you.  This is your way of manifesting and creating like gods, but it is, shall we say, a very small degree of creation, where the soul Mary did not deserve the physical body because of her perfection and did not need a physical body and did not need another soul to create with in order to make a combined action.  Do you understand this?

This is all tied in with the masculine and feminine aspects and the creations as we have talked before.  So you have a perfected soul then co-creating as you do but instead of with a, shall we say, imperfect soul, Mary co-created with The Perfected Soul or The Perfected Being and that is God.  In so doing then she could not touch physical creation.  Now to answer why she could not touch physical creation can become extremely involved and would end up in more confusion.