Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Not Being Able to Resolve a Lifelong Problem

In this discussion with William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, they deal with personal issues that a person has been struggling with his entire life but cannot seem to resolve.

Questioner:  If we struggle with, say, a specific problem all of our life on a conscious level, and we are never able to resolve that problem on a conscious level or any other level, I guess, can we assume then that this was preordained and that we are not able to change it?

The Council:  Quite possibly, quite possibly, if you have dealt with it the best that you possibly could.  If it could not be changed, then it was a needed experience.  Do you understand?

Questioner:  Yes.

The Council:  Now, again, these are general outlines.  Each individual is applied to those outlines to different degrees, according to the situation.  If you take an emotional problem, if you take a physical problem, regardless, and an individual struggles with that problem all their entire life and it is never resolved, why, one might ask.  Why?  Possibly the struggling with it, the dealing with it in the best way that they consciously knew how was what was needed, not the actual solving of the problem or the overcoming of the physical problem or the emotional problem but the actual struggling and dealing with it.  Do you understand?

Questioner:  Yes, and then other people who come into contact with the same problem also have a lesson to learn and that is why they are there?

The Council:  Yes.  All lives are interconnected.  There is no such thing as separation.  You do not know someone for nothing; there is a purpose.  It may be as simple as to, it may be nothing more than just saying, "Good morning," or a very near acquaintance passing the time of day with idle chit-chat, but it serves its purpose, it was not for naught.

For more on William LePar and The Council visit

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