The Council has stated many times that we plan our entire lives in detail before we are born. In this exchange, William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, gives us insight into our life planning and the part that free will plays as we progress through that life.
Questioner: If all things are preordained, if all of our lives are laid out in lessons to be learned before we come back or even as we come back, then all the struggle that we have in this life to change something that we already are or that we do not want, doesn't mean anything?
Questioner: Our soul, once we are here and faced with these situations, our souls can make these changes?
The Council: Oh yes, yes. You, as a soul, you, the real you, the highest part of you, is in constant control. It will determine moment by moment whether it will keep its spiritual contract that it has made with others that are part of your life, it determines moment by moment whether it will keep its agreement. If not, then truly you would be predestined; even though it would be your own choice, you would be predestined and nothing is predestined.
Questioner: How would you be in contact with your soul? How would you know?
The Council: Well, at a conscious level, you will not. It is not for you to know at a conscious level. You are to work from all that is built up in you through your conscious level.
Questioner: How do you become aware of that then?
The Council: Well, there is only so much, as we said before, that you can become aware of. After a certain point it overwhelms you and you become incapacitated, would probably be the closest word one could use, you could not function.