Saturday, April 3, 2021

Being Equal to God in Quality

William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, gives us some insight to our relationship with our God.

Questioner:  Is it good to say then that when we consider ourselves as part of God's being or plan that we are the reflection, reflection is a good term to use for that part of God that is in us?

The Council:  Well, yes, but that only tells part of the story.  You should be a reflection of God in the world.  You should be a reflection of God inside of you.  You are a part of God, and you are like Him. The difference between you and The God is that your potential, your potential is for quality but not quantity.  Do you understand that?

Questioner:  Yes.

The Council:  Unfortunately, people, souls, individuals, entities, have made the choice not to be like God.  They have chosen to be the way they think it will be better.  They have chosen not to move in the ways of the Great Creator or the Infinite Father but to move in their own ways, which is less than He, consequently, it is not whole, consequently, it does not work.  Does that make sense to you?

 For more on William LePar and The Council visit

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